


This Weeks Astrology שבע כוכבי לכת

12 StarSigns Weekly Predictions






This Week's Summary for 12 StarSigns

Monday 22nd => Monday 29th July 2024


"Ignore & Let-Go of Toxic-Nonsense"

"Don't Lie - Be Truthful With Yourself"

Full explanations for all 12 StarSigns @ "This Weeks Astrology"



Planets define "Priorites Have Changed"

"Important Changes for Every StarSign"

"Duality creates Clear-Thinking Honesty"

1. Sun arrives HOME in Leo [Fire]

2. Mercury & Venus in Leo [Fire]

3. Mercury arrives HOME in Virgo [Earth]

4. Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

5. Mars trines Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

6. Sun opposes Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

7. Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water]


Weekly Summary Audio

Weekly Short&Sweet Summary

Weekly Moon Summary Audio

Weekly Moon Summary

Audio for - Weekly Summary

Weekly "Funny" Summary

Audio for - Weekly Summary

Weekly "Wise" Summary


* Sun 0° => 7° HOME Leo [Fire]

* Moon Aquarius-Pisces-Aries-Taurus

* Mercury 26° Leo [Fire] => 2° Virgo [Earth]

* Mercury HOME Virgo [Earth] - 26th July

* Venus 12° => 21° Leo [Fire]

* Mars 0° => 5° Gemini [Air]

* Jupiter 12°32' => 13°51' Gemini [Air]

* Saturn rx 19°02' => 18°44' Pisces [Water]

* Uranus 26°33' => 26°46' Taurus [Earth]

* Neptune rx 29°50' => 29°45' Pisces [Water]

* Pluto rx 0°54' => 0°44' Aquarius [Air]




"Truth creates +ve Energy"

"Focus & Determination"


"Success & Happiness" is finding the RIGHT ENERGY

"Peace & Stability" is when you've eliminated TOXIC

"Genuine & authentic" is when you've found TRUTH


The RIGHT ENERGY created by INNER planets

Sun in HOME in Leo [Fire]

Mercury & Venus in Leo [Fire]

Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]


Being TRUTHFUL created by OUTER planets

Your "TRUTH" creates Happiness & Success


Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water]



Sun in Leo [Fire] - "Natural-Energy"

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Leo [Fire] defines STRONG ENERGIES

Sun in Leo [Fire] is the 100% STRENGTH of ENERGY

Sun in Leo [Fire] reveals whatever gives you STRENGTH


This week is a POWERFUL beginning of the Leo [Fire]

22nd/23rd July: Sun 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

In July 2024 - the "NEW phase" is revealed/permanent/forever

In July 2024 - Life improves and strengthens the "NEW phase"



Mercury in Leo [Fire]

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 25th July 2024

Mercury will be back Leo [Fire] during the retrograde

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 15th August => 9th September 2024



Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]

Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 25th July => 15th August 2024

Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 9th => 26th September 2024


Mercury direct until - 5th August 2024

Mercury retrograde - 5th August => 29th August 2024


Mercury ahead of the Sun is GOOD for "NEW" ideas

Mercury pulls your thoughts into "THE FUTURE"

Mercury ensures you're thinking clearly of what's RIGHT


Mercury begins the retrograde from 5th August 2024

Mercury retrograde will create "RECONNECTIONS"



Venus in Leo [Fire]

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Venus ahead of the Sun is GOOD for "NEW" love-energy


Venus in Leo [Fire] - "TURNED-ON" EXCITEMENT

Venus in Leo [Fire] - defines "SEX" - the need for "SEX"

Venus in Leo [Fire] - will reveal and create "it" all

Venus in Leo [Fire] - will be impulsive and illogical

Venus in Leo [Fire] - is passion and desires

Venus in Leo [Fire] - is restless and naughty

Venus in Leo [Fire] - will be determined and ruthless



Mars in Gemini [Air]

Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024

Gemini [Air] - talkative - friendly - chatty - communicative

Gemini [Air] - makes talking happen naturally

Outer planet - Mars in Gemini [Air] - once every 2 years

Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - once every 12 years


Mars in Gemini [Air] - says - BEGIN SOMETHING NEW

Mars in Gemini [Air] - ensures - NEW creates NEW ENERGY

Mars in Gemini [Air] - creates "determination/breakthroughs"

Mars in Gemini [Air] - is something you needed and want



Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Jupiter entered Gemini [Air] - 25th/26th May 2024

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] is once every 12 years !

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 26th May 2024 => 9th June 2025


"BIGGER THAN BIG" is created by LUCKY Jupiter



"it" is the turn of BIG LUCK for Gemini [Air] energies

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - May 1988 => July 1989

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - June 2000 => July 2001

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - May 2012 => July 2013

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 25th May 2024 => June 2025


Jupiter in Gemini [Air] will be impulsive and natural

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] doesn't dead-boring anymore

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] hates depressing and boring

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] wants LOVE & EXCITEMENT

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] wants REAL LIFE excitement


Live-Life & Love-Life with the good energy of everyday

Everything and everyone that defines HAPPINESS to you !

You'll see the bright-lights and ignore dull-and-boring !



Saturn in Pisces [Water]

Saturn in Pisces [Water] - Sincere Relationships of "Forever"

Saturn in Pisces [Water] - 7th March 2023 => May 2025


Past-Present-Future - you never forget good people

Past-Present-Future - you never forget toxic/bad people

Saturn defines Specific Types of People you need

Saturn defines Relationships to ensure "You" are "You"


Saturn creates inexplicable attachments to "good-people"

Saturn creates inexplicable detachments to "bad-people"

Saturn wants you to "finally get your relationships" right

Saturn wants everyone to work-together with others


"Pisces" makes mysterious things just "happen"

Believing in "it" or not - "it" will happen !

"Saturn" is changing everything for every starsign

Saturn wants you to get "stable-honest-relationships"

Saturn wants everyone to "work-together with others"


Life's Success & Happiness is defined by "being connected"

Life's Success & Happiness is created by "working-together"


Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water]

What do you "believe"? Who do you "trust"?

Bonds of Karmic & Destined Relationships

Pisces [Water] means "mysterious and magical"



Uranus in Taurus [Earth Sign]

Uranus in Taurus [Earth Sign] - thru' => 2025

Uranus is direct Taurus [Earth] until September 2024


Freedom from thinking negative - Freedom from "Prison"

Uranus sets-you-free because it gives "Choices-of-Freedom"

Uranus desires Freedom - anyone/anything irritating you

Uranus wants you to Love-Life and to stop worrying

Uranus wants you to Set-You-Free from "toxic" people


Uranus in Taurus [Earth] - "setting you free" from negativity

"Freedom from the past" & "goodbye to the past"

Jupiter in Taurus [Earth] - creates the good-luck for Uranus

Receive the financial good-fortune and live-in-freedom



Neptune HOME Pisces [Water Sign]

Neptune HOME Pisces [Water Sign] => 31st March 2025

Neptune creates whatever you "DESIRE & IMAGINE"

When you imagine "it" - you know "it" will happen

Neptune gives the vision - but "some" don't see "it"


All Psychic's feel peaceful because "it" feels good

Nervous people feel unstable because "it" feels bad

Neptune in Pisces since 2012 - you've seen "it" clearly

Neptune & Jupiter in Pisces in 2022 - created "it"

Neptune is creating in REAL life what you IMAGINE


Neptune 29° Pisces [Water]

"Psychic Immediacy ....."


Many people are feeling this psychic "cusp" [Fire] energy

Neptune HOME at 29° Pisces [Water] nearly 0° Aries [Fire]

Neptune sits at 29° Pisces [Water] until end of September 2024


"Psychic Thoughts" are making you feel "EXCITED" [Fire]

"Psychic Thoughts" are making things happen "immediately"

"Psychic Thoughts" are creating "love-at-1st-sight" feelings



Pluto in Aquarius [Air Sign]

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - 21st January 2024 => 2044

Pluto will creates "intense" & "unforgettable" moments


Age of Aquarius [Air] is all about "The New Future"

Age of Aquarius [Air] is about being Detached from Past

Age of Aquarius [Air] is about being Set-Free from negativity

Aquarius [Air] creates inexplicable excitement of "New"

You can't do anything in life without getting "Excited"


You can't do anything in life without the "right-people"

The surprises will be by "who" defines the "right-people"

The surprises will be by not-needing lots of people !

Pluto in Aquarius wants the "best quality" people for you



"The Biggest Mistake We all Make"

"Feeling Neutral-Nothings is Stupidity"


Stupidity is "Hating" your life Today

Stupidity is being Neutral/Dead-Bored


All you have to do is LOVE THE GOOD ENERGY

All you have to do is IGNORE THE BAD ENERGY






Months Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"



You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"