www.the-astrologer.net - www.jonnywaxman.com & "12 Spiritual Secrets"
Next Month's Astrological Events Sun in 12th Sign Pisces [Water] "StarSign of The Psychic Future" Sun in Pisces [Water] - 18th Feb' => 20th March 2025
Psychic Pisces [Water] - sees - "The Brighter Future" Sun in Pisces [Water] => leads into => Sun in Aries [Fire]
Easy-Going Month of Sun in Pisces [Water] Planets Lined-Up in order "One-After-The-Other"
Aquarius [Air] Pisces [Water] Aries [Fire] Taurus [Earth] Gemini [Air] Cancer [Water]
Pluto in Aquarius [Air] Sun in Pisces [Water] Mercury in Pisces [Water] Saturn in Pisces [Water] Neptune in Pisces [Water] Venus in Aries [Fire] Mercury enters Aries [Fire] - 3rd March Uranus in Taurus [Earth] Jupiter in Gemini [Air] Mars in Cancer [Water]
Pisces [Water] - 12th StarSign of Zodiac - Hands of Destiny Pisces [Water] 12th StarSign is the Psychic Preview of New Aries [Fire] 1st Sign delivers Beginnings of New Zodiac Year
14th Feb': Mercury enters Pisces [Water] 18th Feb': Sun enters Pisces [Water] 24th Feb': Mars goes direct 17° Cancer [Water] 24th Feb': Mercury 17° Pisces trines Mars 17° Cancer [Water] 25th Feb': Mercury conjuncts Saturn 20° Pisces [Water] 27th Feb': New Moon 9° Pisces [Water]
2nd March: Sun 12° Pisces [Water] squares Jupiter 12° Gemini [Air] 2nd March: Venus goes retrograde 10° Aries [Fire] 3rd March: Mercury enters Aries [Fire] 5th March: Venus 3° Aries [Fire] sextiles Pluto 3° Aquarius [Air] 8th March: Sun 18° Pisces trines Mars 18° Cancer [Water] 10th March: Mercury goes retrograde 9° Aries [Fire] 12th March: Sun 22° Pisces conjuncts Saturn 22° Pisces [Water] 14th March: Sun 24° Pisces [Water] sextiles Uranus 24° Taurus [Earth] 14th March: Full Moon 24° Virgo [Earth] Full Moon 24° Virgo [Earth] trines Uranus 24° Taurus [Earth]
20th March: Sun 29° Pisces conjuncts Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] 20th March: Sun enters Aries [Fire] 22nd March: Venus rx 3° Aries [Fire] sextiles Pluto 3° Aquarius [Air] 22nd March: Venus rx 3° Aries [Fire] conjuncts Sun 3° Aries [Fire] 23rd March: Sun 3° Aries [Fire] sextiles Pluto 3° Aquarius [Air] 24th March: Mercury rx 3° Aries [Fire] conjuncts Sun 3° Aries [Fire] 26th March: Mercury rx 3° Aries [Fire] sextiles Pluto 3° Aquarius [Air] 27th March: Venus retrogrades back into Pisces [Water] 27th March: Venus conjuncts Neptune on the cusp 29th March: New Moon 9° Aries [Fire] 30th March: Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces [Water] 27th March: Mercury conjuncts Neptune on the cusp 30th March: Neptune enters Aries [Fire]
Sun in 12th Sign Pisces [Water] "StarSign of The Psychic Future"
Sun in Pisces will deliver ... 1. Impulsive & Immediate Actions 2. Need to Think About "it" 3. Try "it" & Love "it" Forever 4. Try "it" & Change Your Minds 5. Try "it" & Want Something Else
Pisces [Water] is the StarSign of Psychic Thought-Energy Some people will doing "it" immediately as soon as you feel "it" Some people will need to try "it" immediately to feel the Energy
Planets in Aries [Fire] creates impulsive "immediacy" Venus in Aries [Fire] from 5th February 2025 Mercury in Aries [Fire] from 5th March 2025
Astrology creates ENERGY and says do "it" immediately ! Impulsive urges make you feel the "NEW ENERGY" What's the worst that can happen ? Why not give "it" a try !
Aries [Fire] will entice you to do NEW & EXCITING things Outer planets in Aries [Fire] means you've not done "it" before Pluto in Aquarius means you're moving into a "NEW FUTURE"
Answers to your future will be delivered by Psychic Pisces [Water] Especially if the answers are defined by People you already know
Sun in Pisces [Water] will tell you clearly what to do Pisces [Water] will solve problems of the past Pisces [Water] will show you the pathway to the future Pisces [Water] will heal you & get your life moving Pisces [Water] will prepare you for New Zodiac Aries [Fire]
Pisces [Water] - is like the hour before Sunrise of the Future Pisces [Water] - will show you the Light of the Brighter Future Aries [Fire] - will begin the "NEW" beginnings for everyone Aries [Fire] - entices - encourage - forces - changes to happen Aries [Fire] - means everyone's got "BIG DECISIONS" to make You'll try lots of "NEW" things until you get "it" RIGHT
Planets in Pisces [Water] & Aries [Fire] Sun in Pisces [Water] - 18th Feb' => 20th March 2025 Sun in Aries [Fire] - 20th March => 19th April 2025
Mercury in Pisces [Water] - 14th Feb => 3rd March Mercury in Aries [Fire] - 3rd => 30th March Mercury in Pisces [Water] - 30th March => 16th April
Venus in Pisces [Water] - 3rd Jan' => 5th Feb' Venus in Aries [Fire] - 5th Feb => 27th March Venus in Pisces [Water] - 27th March => 30th April Venus in Aries [Fire] - 1st May => 6th June
Neptune in Pisces [Water] - until thru' => 30th March Neptune in Aries [Fire] - 27th March => 22nd Oct' 25 Neptune in Pisces [Water] - 22nd Oct '25=> 26th Jan '26 Neptune in Aries [Fire] - 26th Jan' 26 => 2039
Saturn in Pisces [Water] - until thru' => 25th May '25 Saturn in Aries [Fire] - 25th May '25 => 1st Sept' 25 Saturn in Pisces [Water] - 1st Sept '25=> 14th Feb' 26 Saturn in Aries [Fire] - 14th Feb' 26 => April 2028
No Planet Effect - "Problems"
"NO PLANETS" in these StarSigns means "PROBLEMS" Some StarSigns realizing they've got "BIG PROBLEMS"
No planets in Leo [Fire] No planets in Virgo [Earth] No planets in Libra [Air] No planets in Scorpio [Water] No planets in Sagittarius [Fire] No planets in Capricorn [Earth]
No planets means everyone NEEDS OTHER PEOPLE Selfish people are being SHOCKED & dumped by OTHERS Selfish people realizing how IMPORTANT relationships are
The rules of Astrology in 2025 creating MAJOR CHANGES "2025" is all about WORKING-WITH OTHER people "2025" will FORCE people to adapt and change lifestyles
Good Luck is defined by Which Signs the Planets are .... Good Luck is created by WORKING-WITH PLANETS All your GOOD fortune comes via "OTHER PEOPLE"
Hence - "BIG PROBLEMS" for Some Stubborn People ... "Some" of you will be FORCED to "CHANGE" "Some" of you will be ENTICED to "CHANGE" "Some" of you will be GIVEN LUCK/GIFTS & "CHANGE" "Most" will be INTUITIVE-INSTINCTIVE & "CHANGE"
"Persistence is a Good Decision" "Giving-Up is a Bad Decision" "Outer Planets Deliver Success"
You'll Always Eventually get to Your Destination Even on the Pathway You've Chosen to Avoid "it"