"2024" - Energetic & Exciting




Friday 26th April 2024

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire]

"Exciting Energy"


Audio "Short-&-Sweet" - #1 - Friday

Audio "#1234astrology" - #2 - Friday


3 Planets in Taurus [EarthSign] will create "Solutions"

"Solutions are coming - Don't You Dare Give-Up!"


Full Moon in Scorpio [Water] delivered "destiny's messages"

Taurus [Earth] needed "the Full Moon" to get "it" right

Now you're seeing life clearly and know what you need !



Moon in Sagittarius [Fire]

Noisy Mayhem Breaks-Loose

Talk-Upbeat "Happy-Go-Lucky"


Audio "Short-&-Sweet" - #1 - Saturday

Audio "#1234astrology" - #2 - Saturday

Audio "Power of Sagittarius" - #3 - Saturday


Don't be fooled if the Full Moon did nothing for you

Full Moon was in refined introvert quiet Scorpio [Water]

Full Moon delivered all of destiny's truthful messages

Everything that's RIGHT and WRONG with your life


Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] will make "it" all RIGHT

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] will eliminate/solve the WRONG

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] says "TIME FOR ACTION"

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] will be extrovert noisy lively

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] activates everything [Fire]

Sagittarius [Fire] is [Fire] determination to make it happen


3 ways to create CHANGE - 3 types of people ...


[1] People who complain to create CHANGES

[2] People who wait for CHANGES to happen

[3] People who feel they need to create CHANGES


Whichever way works for you is your answer

Sagittarius [Fire] creates ENERGY for you to CHANGE


Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] activates these 3 planets ....

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

Mercury in Aries [Fire]

Venus in Aries [Fire]


Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] fights with these 3 planets ....

Saturn in Pisces [Water]

Mars in Pisces [Water]

Neptune in Pisces [Water]


Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] will create SUCCESS / CHANGE

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] will create BREAKTHROUGHS

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] hates stagnation and dead-boring

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] loves activity and excitement

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] loves fun and happiness


Audio "Short-&-Sweet" - #1 - Sunday

Audio "#1234astrology" - #2 - Sunday



Friday 26th April 2024 - Moon in Sagittarius [Fire]

Moon in Sagittarius [Fire] - 2am UK - 3am Europe - 5am UAE

6:30am India - 11am Australia - [6pm PDT - 9pm EST USA]

Moon 2° Sagittarius [Fire] sextiles Pluto 2° Aquarius [Air]

Moon 2° => 11° Sagittarius [Fire] - Europe

Moon 5° => 14° Sagittarius [Fire] - USA EST

Moon 7° => 16° Sagittarius [Fire] - USA PDT

Mercury direct 15°/16° Aries [Fire]


Saturday 27th April 2024 - Moon in Sagittarius [Fire]

Moon 16° Sagittarius [Fire] trines Mercury 16° Aries [Fire]

Moon 16° Sagittarius [Fire] squares Saturn 16° Pisces [Water]

Moon 26° Sagittarius [Fire] trines Venus 26° Aries [Fire]

Moon 27° Sagittarius [Fire] squares Mars 27° Pisces [Water]

Moon 28° Sagittarius [Fire] squares Neptune 28° Pisces [Water]

Moon 28°/29° Sagittarius [Fire] x's Galactic Center


Sunday 28th April 2024 - Moon in Capricorn [Earth]

Moon in Capricorn [Earth] -11am UK - 12pm Europe - 2pm UAE

3:30pm India - 8pm Australia - 3am PDT - 6am EST USA

Moon 8° Capricorn [Earth] trines Sun 8° Taurus [Earth]

Moon 0° => 7° Capricorn [Earth] - Europe

Moon 0° => 10° Capricorn [Earth] - USA EST

Moon 0° => 12° Capricorn [Earth] - USA PDT


Monday 29th April 2024 - Moon in Capricorn [Earth]

Moon 16° Capricorn [Earth] sextiles Saturn 16° Pisces [Water]

Moon 16° Capricorn [Earth] squares Mercury 16° Aries [Fire]

Moon 22° Capricorn [Earth] trines Uranus 22° Taurus [Earth]

Moon 24° Capricorn [Earth] trines Jupiter 24° Taurus [Earth]

Venus HOME Taurus [Earth] 1pm UK - 2pm Europe - 4pm UAE

5:30pm India - 10pm Australia - 5am PDT - 8am EST USA

***Mars conjuncts Neptune 28° Pisces [Water]***


Tuesday 30th April 2024 - Moon in Capricorn [Earth]

Moon 28° Capricorn [Earth] sextiles Neptune 28° Pisces [Water]

Moon 29° Capricorn [Earth] sextiles Mars 29° Pisces [Water]

Moon in Aquarius [Air] - 4pm UK - 5pm Europe - 7pm UAE

8:30pm India - [3am Australia] - 8am PDT - 11am EST USA

Moon 2° Aquarius [Air] conjuncts Pluto 2° Aquarius [Air]

Mars HOME Aries [Fire] - 6pm UK - 7pm Europe - 9pm UAE

10:30pm India - [5am Australia] - 10am PDT - 1pm EST USA



"New Zodiac Year 2024/25"

"#1234 Astrology"


"1234" Astrology

"#1234 Astrology"


#1 Feelings - need - "Excitement"

Dead-people feel NOTHING


The Moon is Earth's companion

The Moon defines YOUR FEELINGS

Everyday you should always FEEL something


#2 Heart - needs - "Love & Hate"

Dead-people don't love anyone


The Sun is FIRE that holds-it-all together

Your HEART is the FIRE that holds your life together

Your HEART should always LOVE SOMEONE

Your HEART should LOVE everything you have

Mercury in Aries [Fire] - 10th March => 15th May 2024

Venus in Aries [Fire] - 5th April => 29th April 2024

Mars in Aries [Fire] - 1st May => 9th June 2024


#3 Thoughts - needs "+ve thoughts"

Dead-boring people don't think +ve


Your inner "THOUGHTS" talk to your Mind, Body & Soul

When you LOVE someone - your "THOUGHTS" love them

When you LOVE anything - your "THOUGHTS" love "it"

SUCCESS is when your "THOUGHTS" are concentrated

SUCCESS & HAPPINESS is achieved by "+ve THOUGHTS"


Psychic Pisces [Water] delivers all of "Destiny's Thoughts"

3 Planets in Pisces [Water] is what your thinking about !

Mars in Pisces [Water] - 22nd March => 30th April 2024

Saturn in Pisces [Water] - March 2023 => May 2025

Neptune in Pisces [Water] - 2012 => July 2025


#4 Believing in the Future

Dead-boring people just "exist"


Everyone on Earth are constantly in "existing" mode

Successful people are living-life by "LOVING IT ALL"


Happiness is when you genuinely LOVE LIFE

Happiness created when you're LOOKING-FORWARD


Believing in the Future is created by 3 Planets .....

1. Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - 21st January 2024 => 2044

Doing something completely "NEW & EXCITING"

2. Jupiter in Taurus [Earth] - 16th May '23 => 24th May 2024

3. Uranus in Taurus [Earth] - Jan' 2019 => until July 2025


Anything Dead-Boring is useless to your "New-Future"

"New-Future" is created by genuine authentic "Excitement"


Planets in Aries [Fire] & Sun in Taurus [Earth] will lead into...

Sun in Gemini [Air] - 20th May 2024 => 20th June 2025

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 24th May 2024 => June 2025

Sun & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] trines Pluto in Aquarius[Air]

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] will create "BIGGER THAN BIG"



Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

"The Future" is Coming ....


"DELETE" the "UN" from UNHAPPY => creates HAPPY

Pluto in Aquarius => will suddenly be changing things

Sooner or later - you'll be living with - "Pluto in Aquarius"


"Winners" always feel inexplicably excited

"Winners" are living their "true truthful identity"


Lies-Liars-Nonsense-Sadness doesn't create "Winners"

Determination-Activity-Excitement-Love creates "Winners"

Realizations creates destiny's energy to make you a "Winner"






New Zodiac Year 2024-2025

Sun in Taurus [Earth] - 19th April => 20th May 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Taurus - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Gemini [Air] - 20th May => 20th June 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Gemini - Next Month's Astrological Events"


You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"