


Saturday 27th July 2024

Moon in Aries [Fire] =>

Moon enters Taurus [Earth]

Energy of New Beginnings



Audio "Short-&-Sweet" - #1 - Saturday

Audio "#1234astrology" - #2 - Saturday



Sun HOME in Leo [Fire]

Mercury HOME Virgo [Earth]


"The Future" is defined by "Happiness & Genuine Excitement"

"The Future" is created by "YES'S - Love - Money - Success"


"The Future" created by 6 planets in [Air] & [Fire]

"New Energy is The Future" created by all the planets


2 planets - Sun HOME & Venus in Leo [Fire]

1 planets - Moon in Aries [Fire]

2 planets - Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

1 planet - Pluto in Aquarius [Air]


2 planets - Saturn & Neptune HOME in Pisces [Water]

1 planet - Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]

2 planets - Moon & Uranus in Taurus [Earth]

Moon in Taurus [Earth] will change the "Mood"


Sun & Venus in Leo [Fire] searching for EXCITEMENT

Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] searching for RELATIONSHIPS

Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water] searching for DESTINY

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - something NEW & IMPORTANT


Sun HOME in Leo [Fire] & Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]

Everyone is searching & wants to get "it" RIGHT


***Sun HOME Leo [Fire] - Dates-With-Destiny***

***Mars in Gemini [Air] sextiles Sun HOME Leo [Fire]***

***Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - July & August 2024***


Hence - the next few days - lots of things will be changing

"Some" people will be stubborn and refuse to accept "It"

"Some" people will love to see the magic of destiny's changes

"Others" will be nervous and uncertain of what happens next

"It" will happen - because - "It" is time for the "NEW phase"


Positive-Energy - "Happiness attracts MORE Happiness"

Positive-Energy - "Success attracts MORE Success's"

Positive-Energy - "Love attracts MORE Love"


The STRONG energy inside you => attracts MORE energy

Sun HOME in Leo [Fire] will make it all "STRONGER"

Sun in Leo [Fire] - strengthens & activates - all the planets



Moon in Aries [Fire]


You're "VERY HAPPY" if you've been waiting for "it"

You're "DIZZY/CONFUSED" if you didn't expect "it"

You're going to be "EXCITED" because "it" is "GOOD"

"EXCITEMENT" is an inner vibe of something "GOOD"


Some "stubborn" lazy people HATE "CHANGES"

"CHANGES" are inevitable for everyone on Earth

"Jo Biden" understood this - and - Trump too !

You will realize "CHANGES" are GOOD for you too !


Thurs's/Friday's - Moon in Aries [Fire] - will be remarkable

Expect the unexpected "Shocks & Surprises" on Thurs'/Friday


Moon in Aries [Fire] - says - "WAIT-AND-SEE" how you feel

Moon in Aries [Fire] - "WAIT-AND-SEE" what happens

Moon in Aries [Fire] - is - the Zodiac's initiator of "NEW"


"EXCITEMENT" is a "HIGHER VIBE" of attraction

People who don't get "EXCITED" are "dead-boring" people

People who don't get "EXCITED & TURNED-ON" are dead


If a man doesn't get "SEXUALLY EXCITED" he's dead !

If a woman doesn't desire to be "LOVED" they're dead to you !

"EXCITEMENT" is the ingredient of the manifestation process



Moon in Taurus [Earth]


Moon in Taurus [Earth] will change the "Mood"

This transit will be perfect example of "Moon Astrology"


1 planet - Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]

2 planets - Moon & Uranus in Taurus [Earth]


"RIGHT&WRONG" is the BEST facet of Taurus [Earth]

Some starsigns don't know the difference of "RIGHT&WRONG"


Taurus [Earth] doesn't waste time on anything "WRONG"

Taurus [Earth] is the focused energy on doing "it" "RIGHT"


"WRONG" - Moon 0° Taurus [Earth] squares Pluto 0° Aquarius [Air]

"WRONG" - Moon 6° Taurus [Earth] squares Sun 6° Leo [Fire]

"WRONG" - Moon 22° Taurus [Earth] squares Venus 22° Leo [Fire]


"RIGHT" - Moon 1° Taurus [Earth] trines Mercury 1° Virgo [Earth]

"RIGHT" - Moon 26° Taurus [Earth] conjuncts Uranus 26° Taurus [Earth]


Taurus [Earth] is a fussy and irritable starsign

Taurus [Earth] just wants to deliver "THE TRUTH"


"THE TRUTH" is actually VERY GOOD

But sometimes "THE TRUTH" can hurt you

"THE TRUTH" is most people are selfish & stupid

"THE TRUTH" is you hate "lies & liars"


Audio "Short-&-Sweet" - #1 - Sunday

Audio "#1234astrology" - #2 - Sunday


***Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]***

Mercury - clear-thinking decisive - about "THE FUTURE"

Mercury HOME in Virgo will be sudden & SURPRISING


Suddenly everything Virgo [Earth] is awakened & activated

Virgo [Earth] have seemed to be "DEAD" for the past 12 months

Sooner or later - Everyone receives something "NEW"


Virgo [Earth] orientated people are "TOO SENSIBLE"

Virgo [Earth] don't adapt easily - they wait for right time

Virgo [Earth] waits & thinks too much - then - decides

Virgo [Earth] needs Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]

Virgo [Earth] will be quickly revealed by 4th August 2024




Saturday 27th July 2024 - Moon in Aries [Fire]

Moon in Taurus [Earth] - 6pm UK - 7pm Europe - 9pm UAE

10:30pm India - [3am Australia] - 10am PDT - 1pm EST USA

Moon 0° Taurus [Earth] squares Pluto 0° Aquarius [Air]

Moon 1° Taurus [Earth] trines Mercury 1° Virgo [Earth]


***Sun 4°/5° Leo [Fire] sextiles Mars 4°/5° Gemini [Air]***


Sunday 28th July 2024 - Moon in Taurus [Earth]

Moon 3° => 16° Taurus [Earth] - Europe

Moon 6° => 19° Taurus [Earth] - USA EST

Moon 8° => 21° Taurus [Earth] - USA PDT

Moon 6° Taurus [Earth] squares Sun 6° Leo [Fire]


Monday 29th July 2024 - Moon in Taurus [Earth]

Moon 18° Taurus [Earth] sextiles Saturn rx 18° Pisces [Water]

Moon 22° Taurus [Earth] squares Venus 22° Leo [Fire]

Moon 26° Taurus [Earth] conjuncts Uranus 26° Taurus [Earth]

Moon 29° Taurus [Earth] sextiles Neptune rx 29° Pisces [Water]

Moon in Gemini [Air] - 11pm UK - 3pm PDT - 6pm EST USA


Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Moon in Gemini [Air]

"Bigger than BIG" - Sudden "Shocks & Surprises"

Moon in Gemini [Air] - 00:00am Europe - 2am UAE

3:30am India - 8am Australia - [3pm PDT - 6pm EST USA]

Moon 0° Gemini [Air] trines Pluto rx 0° Aquarius [Air]

Moon 2° Gemini [Air] squares Mercury 2° Virgo [Earth]

Moon 6° Gemini [Air] conjuncts Mars 6° Gemini [Air]

Moon 7° Gemini [Air] sextiles Sun 7° Leo [Fire]

Moon 14° Gemini [Air] conjuncts Jupiter 14° Gemini [Air]


Wednesday 31st July 2024 - Moon in Gemini [Air]

"Bigger than BIG" - Sudden "Shocks & Surprises"

Gemini [Air] in the 11th House of Surprises to Leo [Fire]

Moon 13° => 27° Gemini [Air] - Europe

Moon 16° => 29° Gemini [Air] - USA EST

Moon 18° => 29° Gemini [Air] - USA PDT

Moon 14° Gemini [Air] conjuncts Jupiter 14° Gemini [Air]

Moon 18° Gemini [Air] squares Saturn rx 18° Pisces [Water]

Moon 24° Gemini [Air] sextiles Venus 24° Leo [Fire]

Moon 29° Gemini [Air] squares Neptune rx 29° Pisces [Water]


Thursday 1st August 2024 - Moon in Cancer [Water]

Cancer [Water] is 12th House of Karma to Leo [Fire]

4 Planets in Natural HOME StarSigns - Truths revealed

"Feelings" create decisions are all "Mysterious & Karmic"

"The Right Feelings" reveal you've got it all "Right"

1. Sun HOME & Venus in Leo [Fire]

2. Moon HOME in Cancer [Water]

3. Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth]

4. Neptune HOME & Saturn in Pisces [Water]

Moon HOME in Cancer [Water] - 4am UK - 5am Europe

7am UAE - 11am Australia - [8pm PDT - 11pm EST USA]

Moon 3° Cancer [Water] trines Mercury 3° Virgo [Earth]




"#1234 Astrology"

"26th July => 31st July 2024"

"Awakening of Mind, Body & Soul"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets Noam Elimelech - Summary [2 Mins]

"Success & Happiness" is saying the "RIGHT WORDS"

"Failure & Sadness" is saying "WRONG or NO WORDS"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Sinai Synagogue USA [3 Mins]

"Success is Very Simple" - "Love is Very Simple"


#1 Feelings - need - "Excitement"

"Excitement" activates "Feelings"

"Excitement" is an elevated "Energy"



#2 Heart - needs - "Love-Energy"

Depression when "No-one Loves You"

Aliveness when "You're being Loved"



#3 Thoughts - needs "+ve Thoughts"

"Thoughts" determine "Your Future"

"+ve Thoughts" creates "+ve Future"



#4 "Dreaming" of Brighter Future

"Pure Dreams" are "Psychic Visions"

"Dreams are Visions of the Future"






Months Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"



You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"