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Predictions for Aries [Fire]

"Energy determines Your Future"

This Week's Audio Summary SunSign Aries

Short-&-Sweet - Weekly Aries


Sun in Leo - July & August 2024

Introduction - Eliminating TOXIC in July/August 2024

Sun & Venus in Leo [Fire] - Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]


Being HONEST during Summer for Your SunSign

"RESET for Aries" - "Time-to-Be-Honest-with-Yourself"

It might be "PAINFUL" - but Happiness is created by Truth



Monday 22nd => Monday 29th July 2024


"Ignore & Let-Go of Toxic-Nonsense"

"Don't Lie - Be Truthful With Yourself"

Full explanations for all 12 StarSigns @ "This Weeks Astrology"



Planets define "Priorites Have Changed"

"Important Changes for Every StarSign"

"Duality creates Clear-Thinking Honesty"

1. Sun arrives HOME in Leo [Fire]

2. Mercury & Venus in Leo [Fire]

3. Mercury arrives HOME in Virgo [Earth]

4. Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

5. Mars trines Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

6. Sun opposes Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

7. Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water]


* Sun 0° => 7° HOME Leo [Fire]

* Moon Aquarius-Pisces-Aries-Taurus

* Mercury 26° Leo [Fire] => 2° Virgo [Earth]

* Mercury HOME Virgo [Earth] - 26th July

* Venus 12° => 21° Leo [Fire]

* Mars 0° => 5° Gemini [Air]

* Jupiter 12°32' => 13°51' Gemini [Air]

* Saturn rx 19°02' => 18°44' Pisces [Water]

* Uranus 26°33' => 26°46' Taurus [Earth]

* Neptune rx 29°50' => 29°45' Pisces [Water]

* Pluto rx 0°54' => 0°44' Aquarius [Air]


Aries [Fire] - "Upgrade"


Sun & Venus in Leo [Fire] - defines - "STRENGTH"

Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - defines - "PEOPLE"


Aries [Fire] is defined by "WORKING WITH OTHERS"

Success-Energy-Happiness is created with "OTHERS"


Aries [Fire] is defined by "IGNORING TOXIC IDIOTS"

Aries [Fire] is defined by a "HEAD-STRONG" focus


The Aries [Fire] UPGRADE is to ignore nonsense/liars

The Aries [Fire] UPGRADE is to have long-term ambition



Sun in Leo [Fire] is all about "POSITIVE ENERGY"

Anyone who is NEGATIVE & DEPRESSING is a "LOSER"

Anyone who is SAD & LONELY is a "LOSER"

Your Aries [Fire] UPGRADE is to become a "WINNER"



"Are You Coming back to Yourself?"

Summer 2024 - Coming "Back Home"

"Back-Home" means "Loving-Life"


"Your Smile in the Passport to Your Future"

Pictures convey Messages of Your Personality

Sad & Lonely pics => Sad & Lonely Personality

"You're Loved" in pics where you're being LOVED

"Your Future" is in the energy of "Your SMILES"

"Your Future" is created by people who LOVE YOU



Aries [Fire] - Born to Love-Life

Aries [Fire] - Born to SMILE

You're defined by +ve ENERGY


1. Loving Life - Being Loveable

2. No-More being "Dead-Bored"

3. Strengthening "Finances $$$"

4. Strengthening "Sex-Love-Desires"


Aries [Fire] - your life is about POSITIVE ENERGY

"MAJOR" changes are in process of happening to you


Aries [Fire] - BEWARE OF TOXIC people

You are TOXIC when you're connected to TOXIC people

You are GOOD when you're connected to GOOD people



Love all the goodness and good-people in your life

Talk & Chat - Be Friendly - Work-with Sincere People

Become Happy-Go-Lucky - and - you'll be even happier



DISCONNECT - from - anyone who DRAINS you

Talk & Tell TOXIC people what you truly think of them

You can get TOXIC people to become NICE people too !


Maximize your potential with planets in [Air] & [Fire] sign


Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 25th July 2024

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 15th August => 9th September 2024

Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 24th May 2024 => June 2025

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - since 21st January 2024


Planets in [Air] & [Fire] sign means you're "+ve CHANGING"

"MOVING" out of dead-boring-past - "MOVING" into the future


Anything "WRONG" will create "Frustrations&ANGER"

Anything "WRONG" needs to be "DELETED" from your life

Anything "WRONG" needs to be "SOLVED" in your life


"WRONG" is anything/anyone who "ANNOYS YOU"

"NO-ENERGY" reveals what's "WRONG" with your life

There's no point of doing anything that gives you "NO-ENERGY"



"You'll always eventually get to your Destination"

.....Even on the pathway you chose to avoid "it"



I should add that - Mars in Leo [Fire] will be VERY BUSY

You're on the journey to move-into a VERY BUSY LIFE


Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 17th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 6th January 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - direct - 18th April => 17th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - includes a LONG retrograde in Leo


#Secrets for Aries [Fire]


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"Strong Zodiac Year 2024-2025"

Months Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"



You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"