This Months Astrological Events Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024
You'll always eventually get to your Destination Even - on the pathway you chose to avoid "it" Supersonic Sudden Movements Forwards Every StarSign Eventually Receives "it"
Sun in Virgo [Earth] 22nd August => 22nd September 2024
Energy of Virgo [Earth] Began ... Suddenly & Early on 26th July 2024
Virgo [Earth] - defines - "THE FUTURE" - to Leo [Fire] Virgo [Earth] - Begins Early - on 26th July 2024 Something NOT in your life - will appear from 26th July
Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 26th July => 15th August 2024 Venus in Virgo [Earth] - 5th August => 29th August 2024 Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd September 2024 Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 9th => 26th September 2024
There's lots to look forward to - for every StarSign .....
Immediately planets enter Virgo will be surprising Virgo [Earth] will be full of "shocks and surprises" Suddenly everything Virgo [Earth] will be awakened
Virgo [Earth] - defines - Vibes of "HONESTY & STABILITY" Virgo [Earth] - defines - Sensible - Destined - Correct - Permanent Virgo [Earth] - defines - Honesty - via - Eliminating Lies/Liars Virgo [Earth] - defines - Being Lucky - via - Focusing on Truth
4 Sets of Energetic Changes that define "Forever TRUTHS" Which means Virgo reveals anything that's "Nonsense & Lies"
1. Planets in Virgo [Earth] - oppose - Saturn in Pisces [Water] 2. Planets in Virgo [Earth] - oppose - Neptune in Pisces [Water] 3. Planets in Virgo [Earth] - squares - Mars in Gemini [Air] 4. Planets in Virgo [Earth] - squares - Jupiter in Gemini [Air]
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water] - "Healing via Destiny" Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - "Energy of Relationships"
Virgo [Earth] - will "delete/ignore" - meaningless nonsense Virgo [Earth] - will "reveal" - the correct pathway to your future Virgo [Earth] - will "connect/reconnect" destined connections
This Months Astrological Events Sun in Truthful Virgo [Earth]
From 14th August 2024 => There's a HUGE NEW ENERGY "SHOCKS & SURPRISES" at the Full Moon on 19th August
14th August: Mars 16° Gemini conjuncts Jupiter 16° Gemini [Air] 15th August: Mercury retrogrades back into Leo [Fire] 16th August: Mars 17° Gemini squares Saturn rx 17° Pisces [Water] 19th August: Full Moon 27° Aquarius [Air] 19th Aug': Jupiter 17° Gemini [Air] squares Saturn 17° Pisces [Water] 19th Aug': Sun 27° Leo [Fire] squares Uranus 27° Taurus [Earth] 19th Aug': Venus 17° Virgo opposes Saturn rx 17° Pisces [Water] 19th Aug': Venus 17° Virgo [Earth] squares Jupiter 17° Gemini [Air]
Sun enters Virgo [Earth] creates "RELIEF from TENSION" Craziness & Mayhem => becomes => Destiny's New Stability
22nd August: Sun enters Virgo [Earth] 23rd Aug': Venus 22° Virgo [Earth] squares Mars 22° Gemini [Air] 24th Aug': Mercury 22° Leo [Fire] sextiles Mars 22° Gemini [Air] 27th Aug': Venus 27° Virgo [Earth] trines Uranus 27° Taurus [Earth] 29th Aug': Venus 29° Virgo [Earth] opposes Neptune rx 29° Pisces [Water] 29th August: Mercury goes direct 21° Leo [Fire] 29th August: Venus enters HOME Libra [Air] 29th Aug': Venus 0° Libra [Air] trines Pluto rx 0° Aquarius [Air]
1st Sept': Pluto retrograde sits at 0°00' Aquarius [Air] 1st Sept': Pluto retrogrades back 29°59' Capricorn [Earth] 2nd Sept': Uranus goes retrograde 27°15' Taurus [Earth]
3rd Sept': New Moon 11° Virgo [Earth] 4th Sept': Mars 29° Gemini [Air] squares Neptune rx 29° Pisces [Water] 4th Sept': Mars enters Cancer [Water] 8th Sept': Sun 16° Virgo [Earth] opposes Saturn rx 16° Pisces [Water] 9th Sept': Mercury re-enters HOME Virgo [Earth]
12th Sept': Sun 20° Virgo [Earth] squares Jupiter 20° Gemini [Air] 15th Sept': Venus 20° Libra [Air] trines Jupiter 20° Gemini [Air] 18th Sept': Mercury 15° Virgo [Earth] opposes Saturn rx 15° Pisces [Water]
18th September: Full Moon 25° Pisces [Water] Full Moon in Pisces [Water] opposes Sun in Virgo [Earth] Full Moon in Pisces [Water] opposes Mercury HOME Virgo [Earth] Full Moon in Pisces [Water] trines Mars in Cancer [Water] Full Moon in Pisces [Water] squares Jupiter in Gemini [Air] Full Moon in Pisces [Water] conjuncts Saturn in Pisces [Water] Full Moon in Pisces [Water] conjuncts Neptune in Pisces [Water]
19th Sept': Sun 27° Virgo [Earth] trines Uranus rx 27° Taurus [Earth] 21st Sept': Mercury 20° Virgo [Earth] squares Jupiter 20° Gemini [Air] 21st Sept': Sun 28° Virgo [Earth] opposes Neptune rx 28° Pisces [Water] 22nd Sept': Sun 29° Virgo [Earth] trines Pluto rx 29° Capricorn [Earth] 22nd Sept: Sun 0° Libra [Air] trines Pluto rx 0° Aquarius [Air]
22nd Sept': Sun enters Libra [Air] 23rd Sept': Venus enters Scorpio [Water] 24th Sept': Mercury 27° Virgo [Earth] trines Uranus rx 27° Taurus [Earth] 25th Sept': Mercury 28° Virgo [Earth] opposes Neptune rx 28° Pisces [Water] 26th Sept': Mercury 29° Virgo [Earth] trines Pluto rx 29° Capricorn [Earth] 26th Sept': Mercury enters Libra [Air] 30th Sept': Mercury 7° Libra [Air] conjuncts Sun 7° Libra [Air] 30th Sept': Mars 14° Cancer [Water] trines Saturn rx 14° Pisces [Water]
Sun in "Honest" Virgo [Earth] Zodiac Year - Destiny of "Relationships"
The Sun holds all the planets in Orbit Earth as it orbits the Sun - ensures we see "it" all Our perspective changes because Earth is moving It's GOOD that your perspective of life is changing
The message of Zodiac Year of "2024" is "Relationships" Whether you're a "Destiny" or "Transactional" orientated "Relationships" will be creating all your changes of energy
Dead-boring "Sad & Lonely" are not experiencing anything "Sad & Lonely" will be realizing they NEED other people
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water] - relationships Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - relationships
Mars in Cancer [Water] - delivers easy-flowing answers Mars in Cancer [Water] - 4th Sept' => 4th Nov' 2024
Venus HOME in Libra [Air] - 29th Aug' => 23rd Sept' Venus HOME in Libra [Air] - reveals "THE FUTURE"
Libra [Air] - StarSign of "Love & Business/Money" Libra [Air] - StarSign of "Love & Business Relationships" Libra [Air] - knows the need to "work-with-other people" Libra [Air] - instinctively finds the "Right" types people
Unfortunately stubborn selfish people need a BIG PUSH Sun in Virgo [Earth] will FORCE & ENTICE things to happen
Sun in "Honest" Virgo [Earth] Transactional & Destiny's "Relationships"
The Truth is - Everyone needs "Other" people The Truth is - You can't live without "other" people
The egocentric selfish deception is believing you can live alone You can't live alone - you need other people one way or another
Sun in Virgo [Earth] - says - it's not healthy or natural to be "alone" Sun in Virgo [Earth] - says - you must be HONEST with yourself Sun in Virgo [Earth] - defines - TWO Types of Relationships
[1] Saturn - Destined Meaningful Relationships Saturn relationships - defines "FOREVER & EVER" Saturn relationships - "RELIABLE FRIENDS FOREVER"
8th Sept': Sun in Virgo [Earth] - opposes - Saturn in Pisces 18th Sept': Sun in Virgo [Earth] - opposes - Full Moon in Pisces Full Moon in Pisces [Water] conjuncts Saturn in Pisces [Water] Oppositions - means - Earth comes in between Sun & Saturn
The Zone of Saturn Marriages that are "Forever" or "not" Unfortunately when it's not blessed by Saturn - "it" always ends
You always know truth of "relationships" - "acts of destiny" Be HONEST with yourself - do you want "FOREVER?"
[2] All Transactional "relationships" - create - "ENERGY" Transactional "relationships" work when there's a need Business "relationships" work when there's business
Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] defines "ENERGY" All transactional relationship define "ENERGY" exchange When there's no more +ve energy => the relationship ENDS
Everyone has experienced Transactional "relationships" Such as - Financial arrangements & sexually convenient Gold-diggers looking for "marriage" - are - transactional Men looking for trophy-wives - are - transactional People looking for "passports" - are - transactional People looking for "sexual" energy - are - transactional
Sun in Virgo [Earth] - defines - TWO Sets of Relationships The essence of your life's needs - are all "Transactional"
My Personal advice is ENJOY "Both" types of relationships "Both" types are necessary to satisfy the energies you need
"Boring" vanila marriages => need sex, love & excitement "Exciting" passionate relationships => needs sensible stability
"Transactional relationships" will have a desire for "destiny" "Destiny's relationships" needs boost of sexual excitement
"Some" people will be "playing-the-field" to taste everything Eventually all the "Transactional" relationships die / end Whilst the "Forever-and-ever" Destiny remains forever
The Shocks & Surprises will be who comes back into your life Saturn in retrograde - reconnections to good people of the past Mars & Jupiter in Gemini - reconnections to exciting people
People in "vanilla" relationships often get tempted by "exciting" Anyone who is "tempted" - means - they ain't found "true love" When you've found "true love" - you don't get "tempted" !
Sun in "Fussy" Virgo [Earth] 7 Facets of Complicated Virgo
"7 NEW" Energies need "working-on" in Aug'/Sept' All facets need to "work-together" easily for happiness Like putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together If the "Piece" doesn't fit - then "it" will be destroyed Sun in Virgo is complete harmony - "life-flowing-easily"
1. Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - 21st January 2024 2. Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024 3. Mars in Cancer [Water] - 4th September => 4th Nov' 2024 4. Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 26th May 2024 => June 2025 5. Sun/Planets in Leo [Fire] revealed what's IMPORTANT 6. Sun/Planets in Virgo [Earth] puts everything together 7. Planets in Libra [Air] - will begin NEW opportunities
Sun in Leo [Fire] defined whatever was IMPORTANT to you Sun in Virgo [Earth] - fits - everything-all the pieces together
Mercury direct Leo [Fire] - 29th Aug' => 9th Sept' Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth] - 9th => 26th Sept'
Venus HOME in Libra [Air] - reveals "THE FUTURE" Venus in Libra [Air] - will be decisive & offer new choices Venus in Libra [Air] - combines with - Jupiter in Gemini [Air]
Sun in Virgo [Earth] - shows you who you can "TRUST" Sun in Virgo [Earth] - creates magnetism of attraction Sun in Virgo [Earth] - doesn't manipulate Sun in Virgo [Earth] - is a direct truthful zone Sun in Virgo [Earth] - reveal destiny's relationships
Sun in Virgo [Earth] - creates achievements via people Sun in Virgo [Earth] - business via working with people Sun in Virgo [Earth] - creates natural instinctive changes Sun in Virgo [Earth] - avoids idiots and crazy stupidity
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water] - relationships Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - relationships Venus HOME in Libra [Air] - will reveal "THE FUTURE" Mars in Cancer [Water] creates "Confidence & Strength"
Sun in "Fussy" Virgo [Earth] "Virgo - The Car Mechanic"
Virgo is known as the "Car-Mechanic" of the Zodiac The "Car-Mechanic" needs to get "Everything" working The "Car-Mechanic" always finds a way to fix the problem
The "Car-Mechanic" finds the problem "dead-component" The "Car-Mechanic" replaces with "brand-new-component"
"It" might be ONE small problem that needs fixing "It" is quite annoying UNTIL you find the solution
Eventually the "Virgo Car-Mechanic" gets "it" fixed Whatever area of your life is a "problem" - "it" will be fixed
"It" will be happening - now - to get your life moving Especially if "it" has been blocking you for past 6 / 12 years & Especially if you've been avoiding "it" for past 3 / 6 years
Workaholic Virgo [Earth] Virgo [Earth] - Loves "$$$" Work creates "Money $$$"
Astrology defines people's addiction to "$$$ Money" Planets in [EarthSigns] creates the "Need & Love of Money" Virgo [Earth] is the starsign of movement and doing things
"It" is a need to have "$$$ money" to travel - to go - to do things $$$$ - "it" is the ONE thing everyone needs and loves $$$$ - "it" is acquired by "Working" - hence - everyone works
People who don't work - are - afflicted by "boredom/laziness" Life requires everyone to be "busy" - otherwise we're "dead"
Planets in Virgo [Earth] is the inner urge to be "busy" "Busy" in "Business" & "Busy" with doing meaningful things "Busy" & "Back-to-Work" because Summer Holidays are over
Wait-And-See Virgo [Earth] Astrology is a Perfect Timetable
Astrology defines a specific timetable of specific Changes ..... There's been no planets in Virgo [Earth] until 26th July 2024
26th July => 22nd August - your mind is thinking forwards 22nd Aug' => 22nd Sept' - your mind will think forwards
You're healthy because you're "THINKING FORWARDS" People who worry/think about the past - are - stupid idiots
You can't change the "past" mistakes - that's in the "past" You can only change the "future" by forgetting the "past"
Planets in Virgo [Earth] - says - "Forget the Past" Planets in Virgo [Earth] - says - "Live for the Future"
When you "wake-up & feel FRESH" - that's the future talking People who wake-up depressed - are - living in the past Sooner or later - everyone will wake up feeling "FRESH"
"FRESH" means you're ready for something "NEW" "FRESH" means you're detached from "PAST"
Persistent Virgo [Earth] "Window of Virgo Breakthroughs"
Virgo [Earth] is the Starsign of "Persistence" Virgo [Earth] waits 5/6 months for something "NEW" Virgo [Earth] waits 5/6 months for a "Breakthrough"
Virgo [Earth] orientated people always need to "WAIT" Even when other starsigns get things immediately
When Virgo [Earth] gets it's turn - "it" happens quickly Virgo [Earth] is activated from 26th July => 26th Sept' 24 After 26th Sept' there's "no planets in Virgo until July 2025"
All Virgo [Earth] needs to do is be Head-Strong & "FOCUS" Success of Virgo [Earth] is "FOCUS" & not to be distracted
"Pluto on the Cusp" Pluto 0° Aquarius [Air] Pluto 29°39' Capricorn
1st Sept': Pluto retrograde sits at 0°00' Aquarius [Air] 1st Sept': Pluto retrogrades back 29°59' Capricorn [Earth] 9th Oct': Pluto goes direct 29°39' Capricorn [Earth] 19th Nov': Pluto re-enters sits at 0°00' Aquarius [Air]
There are "some" people who will use this as an excuse You can't go-back to darkness when you've seen light
I believe Pluto retrograde - says - get divorced from the past Pluto in Aquarius [Air] is the new "LIGHT of TRUTH" The LIGHT says get completely detached from the toxic past
"Psychic Immediacy ....." Neptune 29° Pisces [Water]
***Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] sextiles Pluto 0/1° Aquarius [Air] ***Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] - May => September 2024*** ***Neptune 29° Pisces creates Psychic Visions of the Future
Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] - is nearly => Neptune 0° Aries [Fire] You'll be given "VISIONS" of the BRIGHT NEW FUTURE
Many people are feeling this psychic "cusp" [Fire] energy Neptune HOME at 29° Pisces [Water] nearly 0° Aries [Fire] Neptune sits at 29° Pisces [Water] until end of September 2024
"Psychic Thoughts" are making you feel "EXCITED" [Fire] "Psychic Thoughts" are making things happen "immediately" "Psychic Thoughts" are creating "love-at-1st-sight" feelings
"Signed-Sealed-Delivered" By End of September 2024
You'll always eventually get to Your destination Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"
Month's Astrological Events Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024 Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - This Month's Astrological Events"
Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024 Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"
You'll always eventually get to Your destination Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"