


Month's Astrological Events


Sun in Leo [Fire]

Sun in HOME Sign of Leo [Fire]

22nd July => 22nd August 2024


Leo [Fire] Actually Began Early

Suddenly & Early on 2nd July


Immediately planets enters Leo - will be surprising

Leo [Fire] will be full of "shocks and surprises"


Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Moon on the Cusp - 21st/22nd July 2024


Leo [Fire] defines - Sensible & Permanent in 2024/2025

Leo [Fire] defines - Vibes of HONESTY & STABILITY

Leo [Fire] defines - Healthy - via - Eliminating Toxicity

Leo [Fire] defines - Lucky - via - Eliminating Nonsense


Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 15th August 2024

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] 15th August => 9th September 2024


Combine - Mars-Jupiter-Pluto - will make it "Extra-ordinary"


Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 24th May 2024 => June 2025

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]


Changes during Leo [Fire] will become "Permanent soon"

"Permanent" is Mars in Leo [Fire] to be "LIVELY & BUSY"

Everyone is on a journey to move-into "VERY BUSY ZONE"


Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 17th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 6th January 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - direct - 18th April => 17th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - includes a LONG retrograde in Leo



Months Astrological Events

Sun in HOME Sign of Leo [Fire]

22nd July => 22nd August 2024


2nd July: Mercury enters Leo [Fire]

3rd July: Mercury 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

8th July: Mercury Leo [Fire] sextiles Jupiter 9° Gemini [Air]

11th July: Venus enters Leo [Fire]

12th July: Venus 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

20th July: Mars enters Gemini [Air]


21st July: Full Moon 29° Capricorn [Earth]

"2nd Full Moon in the Month of Cancer"

Full Moon on the cusp - Full Moon of Surprises

Full Moon conjuncts Pluto 0°55' Aquarius [Air]


21st July: Sun 29° Cancer trines Neptune 29° Pisces [Water]

21st July: Mercury 26° Leo squares Uranus 26° Taurus [Earth]

21st July: Venus 12° Leo [Fire] sextiles Jupiter 12° Gemini [Air]


22nd July: Sun enters Leo [Fire]

22nd July: Mars 0°51' Gemini [Air] trines Pluto 0°51' Aquarius [Air]

23rd July: Sun 0°51' Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 0°51' Aquarius [Air]

25th July: Mercury enters HOME Virgo [Earth]

25th July: Sun 3° Leo [Fire] sextiles Mars 3° Gemini [Air]

27th July: Sun 4°/5° Leo [Fire] sextiles Mars 4°/5° Gemini [Air]


4th August: New Moon 12° Leo [Fire]

5th August: Mercury retrograde HOME Virgo [Earth]

5th August: Venus enters Virgo [Earth]

7th August: Sun 15° Leo [Fire] sextiles Jupiter 15° Gemini [Air]


From 14th August 2024 => There's a "HUGE NEW ENERGY"

"SHOCKS & SURPRISES" at the Full Moon on 19th August


14th August: Mars 16° Gemini conjuncts Jupiter 16° Gemini [Air]

15th August: Mercury retrogrades back into Leo [Fire]

16th August: Mars 17° Gemini squares Saturn rx 17° Pisces [Water]

16th August: Mercury rx 27° Leo squares Uranus 27° Taurus [Earth]

19th August: Full Moon 27° Aquarius [Air]

19th August: Jupiter 17° Gemini squares Saturn rx 17° Pisces [Water]

19th August: Mercury rx' conjuncts Sun 26° Leo [Fire]

19th August: Sun 27° Leo squares Uranus 27° Taurus [Earth]

19th August: Venus 17° Virgo opposes Saturn rx 17° Pisces [Water]

19th August: Venus 17° Virgo squares Jupiter 17° Gemini [Air]


22nd August: Sun enters Virgo [Earth]

23rd August: Venus 22° Virgo squares Mars 22° Gemini [Air]

24th August: Mercury 21° Leo [Fire] sextiles Mars 22° Gemini [Air]

27th August: Venus 27° Virgo trines Uranus 27° Taurus [Earth]

29th August: Venus 29° Virgo opposes Neptune rx 29° Pisces [Water]

29th August: Mercury goes direct 21° Leo [Fire]

29th August: Venus enters HOME Libra [Air]

29th August: Venus 0° Libra trines Pluto rx 0° Aquarius [Air]



Only #1 Zone of Leo Energy

Sun in HOME of Leo [Fire]


There have been 3 zones of NEW energy in June/July 2024

During the month Sun in Leo [Fire] - there's only "#1 ZONE"


#1 BIG Zone - Huge Energy

#Surprises & #Excitement


2nd July => 23rd July 2024 => August => Sept' onwards

The Only Zone is "EXCITEMENT" created by Leo [Fire]


"EXCITEMENT" is created because it is "REALLY GOOD"

"EXCITEMENT" is whatever/whoever is "IMPORTANT" to you



Success is a vibrant energy of "HIGH-LEVEL-EXCITEMENT"

Financial Success & Passionate Love creates "EXCITEMENT"


"EXCITEMENT" reveals you've found what you "WANT"



Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 15th August 2024

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024


Planets in Leo [Fire] combined with Jupiter & Pluto

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 26th May 2024 => 9th June 2025

Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]


3rd July: Mercury 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

12th July: Venus 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

23rd July: Sun 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]


In July 2024 - the "NEW phase" is revealed/permanent/forever

In July - Life improves and strengthens inside the "NEW phase"


Some "SLOW" people - "NEW phase" begins in July 2024 !

Some people with "SLOW" astrological charts - begin late !

Some need "Awakening" & "Healing" to begin "NEW phase"

July 2024 will "Awaken" & "Heal" all who need "it"



1. Rules of Leo [Fire]

"Focused" Leo [Fire]


Fire Sign of Leo


The Sun in it's HOME sign of Leo [Fire]

The Sun is what holds "it" all together

We can't live without the Sun's light/warmth/energy


Your HEART - is what holds you together

Your HEART - is constantly circulating your blood

You can't live withour your HEART


Your Heart is the reason you're alive

Your Heart defines all the things important to you

Your Heart is "YOUR LIFE"

Your Heart doesn't belong to anyone in the world

Your Heart belongs to you

Your Heart defines Everything that's "YOURS"


Sun in HOME of Leo [Fire] - says - "FOCUS on YOURS"

Don't get distracted by anything irrelevant to your life


Sun in Leo [Fire] - means - Earth is in Aquarius [Air]

Aquarius [Air] - the opposite is - the SECRET of Leo [Fire]

Aquarius [Air] is detachment - enlightenment

Enlightenment means "LIGHT" & "HAPPY"


Whenever you're WORRIED - you're DARK/DEPRESSED

When you're HAPPY - you're feeling "LIGHT-HEADED"


Sun in Leo [Fire] - says - "don't careless" about nonsense

Sun in Leo [Fire] - says - let-go of worries

Sun in Leo [Fire] - will force worrying things to "END"



2. "Fussy" Leo [Fire]

Obsessive Leo [Fire]


"Fussy" StarSign of Leo


Leo [Fire] - defines - whatever is IMPORTANT to you

Leo [Fire] - defines - whoever is IMPORTANT to you


You've got 4 Options .....


[1] Wait-and-See what happens

[2] Get focused and get-on with "it"

[3] Get ANGRY and deal with "it"

[4] Let-go of "it" completely


Many facets of life - makes "LIFE" a battle

Older and wiser people - know how to succeed


Success is defined by winning the battles you can win

True Happiness is letting go of battles you can't win


"Some" Toxic people - can't let-go

People who can't let-go - can't move-on with life


Planets in Leo [Fire] - oppose - Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

This is the time to "let-go" of nonsense/idiots/annoyances



3. "Angry" Leo [Fire]


"Passionate" Leo [Fire]


Fire Sign of Leo - defines - what's important to you


There are 2 ways to achieve Success


[1] From a pathway of ANGER & FRUSTRATION

Leo [Fire] is destructive - and - can be self-destructive


[2] From a pathway of PASSIONATE AMBITION

Leo [Fire] is achievement - creative with goals


"Life" has 2 types of people using "it"


[1] People who take from "it" - but - give nothing

[2] People who create things - and - do lots of things


Same applies to every facet of our lives ....

for example, the "internet" has 2 types using "it"


[1] People who take from "it" - but - give nothing

[2] People who create on "it" - and - do lots of things


Sun in Leo [Fire] reveals the 2 types of people

Sun in Leo [Fire] says keep-away from selfish people

Sun in Leo [Fire] says keep-away from "ANGRY" people

Sun in Leo [Fire] says find "passionate/loving" people

Sun in Leo [Fire] says work-with good people


Relationships are based on working-with GOOD people

Success-Business-Happiness working with GOOD people



4. "Decisive" Leo [Fire]

"Passionate" is Important


Fire Sign of Leo - defines - what's important to you


Love-Life relationships are complicated

Love-Life needs ONLY ONE ingredient - "LOVE"


Divorces and break-ups happen because of - "HATE"

Sun in Leo [Fire] will reveal "LOVE" & "HATE"


"HATE" in Leo [Fire] will create DESTRUCTION

"LOVE" in Leo [Fire] will create HAPPINESS


People who can't "LOVE" - will be defined as "TOXIC

People who "LOVE" - will be loveable-likeable-happy



5. New Internet Trends

"Short & Sweet Trends"

"No Fore-Play"


Leo - StarSign of - Real-Life - Strength - Activity


"internet" is ruled by Communicative Sign of Aquarius [Air]

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - short and sweet - straight to the point


All "long" internet websites - are - BEING IGNORED

All "complicated" websites - are - BEING IGNORED

All "long" youtube clips - are - BEING IGNORED


This trend is the "No-Foreplay" zone of humanity

"Success" is for people who get straight to the point

"Success" is created by getting on with "it"


Sun in Leo [Fire] - defines - $$$$ MONEY

Sun in Leo [Fire] - says - NO - to "Time-Wasting-Internet"

Sun in Leo [Fire] - says - YES - to "Online Business"



6. Duality Houses


3 Inner Planets aligned in Leo [Fire]

Sun-Mercury-Venus in Leo [Fire]


Planets in [Air] Signs

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]


Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Mars in Gemini [Air]


2 Planets in Pisces [Water]

Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water]


This means - life - will become very clear to you

You'll realize and focus on what's important to you

You'll "IGNORE" anything that's not important to your future


Virgo [Earth] - defines - "THE FUTURE" - to Leo [Fire]

Duality of Mercury & Venus in Virgo [Earth]

Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 25th July => 15th August 2024

Venus in Virgo [Earth] - 5th August => 29th August 2024




7. Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Gemini is 11th House


Jupiter in Gemini [Air] will define unexpected coincidences

11th House of unexpected surprises - to the Sun in 1st House


You'll know when mysteriously coincidences "just" happen

You'll feel fascinated and excited when BIG things happen


Jupiter in Gemini [Air] is all about "CONNECTIONS"

Being connected - introduced - reconnected to people


"CONNECTIONS" created all your AMAZING miracles

"CONNECTIONS" is what defines unexpected MIRACLES


Arrogant "idiots" neglect the importance of "Other people"

Karma eventually delivers results - created by your personality


Charming - kind-hearted people - always WIN in the end

Nasty selfish narcisstic idiots - always LOSE in the end



8. "Psychic Immediacy ....."

Neptune 29° Pisces [Water]


***Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] sextiles Pluto 0/1° Aquarius [Air]

***Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] - May => September 2024***

***Neptune 29° Pisces creates Psychic Visions of the Future


Neptune 29° Pisces [Water] - is nearly => Neptune 0° Aries [Fire]

You'll be given "VISIONS" of the BRIGHT NEW FUTURE


Many people are feeling this psychic "cusp" [Fire] energy

Neptune HOME at 29° Pisces [Water] nearly 0° Aries [Fire]

Neptune sits at 29° Pisces [Water] until end of September 2024


"Psychic Thoughts" are making you feel "EXCITED" [Fire]

"Psychic Thoughts" are making things happen "immediately"

"Psychic Thoughts" are creating "love-at-1st-sight" feelings



9. Virgo is Coming Early

"The Future" is Pulling-You


Virgo [Earth] - defines - "THE FUTURE" - to Leo [Fire]

Virgo [Earth] - Begins Early - on 25th July 2024

Something NOT in your life - will appear from 25th July


Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 25th July => 15th August 2024

Venus in Virgo [Earth] - 5th => 29th August 2024

Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd September 2024

Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 9th => 26th September 2024


There's lots to look forward to - for every StarSign .....


Summer '24 - Exciting Changes

"Forever-New-Phase" of Life



By End of September 2024


You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"







Month's Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"


You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"