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Predictions for Scorpio [Water]

"Energy determines Your Future"

This Week's Audio Summary SunSign Scorpio

Short-&-Sweet - Weekly Scorpio


Sun in Leo - July & August 2024

Introduction - Eliminating TOXIC in July/August 2024

Sun & Venus in Leo [Fire] - Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]


Being HONEST during Summer for Your SunSign

"Scorpio RESET" & "Time-to-Be-Honest-with-Yourself"

It might be "PAINFUL" but Happiness is created by Truth



Monday 22nd => Monday 29th July 2024


"Ignore & Let-Go of Toxic-Nonsense"

"Don't Lie - Be Truthful With Yourself"

Full explanations for all 12 StarSigns @ "This Weeks Astrology"



Planets define "Priorites Have Changed"

"Important Changes for Every StarSign"

"Duality creates Clear-Thinking Honesty"

1. Sun arrives HOME in Leo [Fire]

2. Mercury & Venus in Leo [Fire]

3. Mercury arrives HOME in Virgo [Earth]

4. Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

5. Mars trines Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

6. Sun opposes Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

7. Saturn & Neptune in Pisces [Water]


* Sun 0° => 7° HOME Leo [Fire]

* Moon Aquarius-Pisces-Aries-Taurus

* Mercury 26° Leo [Fire] => 2° Virgo [Earth]

* Mercury HOME Virgo [Earth] - 26th July

* Venus 12° => 21° Leo [Fire]

* Mars 0° => 5° Gemini [Air]

* Jupiter 12°32' => 13°51' Gemini [Air]

* Saturn rx 19°02' => 18°44' Pisces [Water]

* Uranus 26°33' => 26°46' Taurus [Earth]

* Neptune rx 29°50' => 29°45' Pisces [Water]

* Pluto rx 0°54' => 0°44' Aquarius [Air]


Scorpio [Water] StarSign

"Scorpio - Mayhem Zone"


Traditionally Scorpio hates planets in [Air] & [Fire] signs

Traditionally Scorpio wants stability, routine peace & quiet


Whenever things NEED changing - [Air] & [Fire] does "it"

When you URGENTLY NEED help - [Air] & [Fire] does "it"


Planets in [Air] & [Fire] sign - "FORCING CHANGES"

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 25th July 2024

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 15th August => 9th September 2024

Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 24th May 2024 => June 2025

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - since 21st January 2024


Planets in [Earth] & [Water] signs - creating STABILITY

ONLY 3 planets - creating STABILITY for you ....

Mercury HOME in Virgo [Earth] - 25th July => 15th August '24

Saturn in Pisces [Water] - until - July 2025

Neptune in Pisces [Water] - until - March 2025



Planets in [Air] & [Fire] will be creating "MAYHEM"

Some moments will be GOOD - others will be "CRAZY"


Sun & Venus in Leo [Fire] - defines - "NEW ENERGY"

Mars & Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - defines - "NEW PEOPLE"

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - defines - "NEW PHASE" of life



Unexpected SHOCKS & SURPRISES will create "NEW"

You've got NO CHOICE really - "NEW" " is happening


"NEW" will make you realize what you've been missing

"NEW" will make you realize YOU NEED "NEW"

"NEW" will make you initially a bit uncomfortable


The "NEW" Scorpio change is to live in "ACCEPTANCE"

The "NEW" Scorpio change is to LOVE LIFE

The "NEW" Scorpio change is to ENJOY YOUR LIFE


Don't dare COMPLAIN - "it" won't help being negative

Don't waste your time COMPLAINING / being negative

Because no-one has time to listen to NEGATIVE people

"COMPLAINING" is a form of "TOXIC" communication

Everyone is divorcing themselves from "TOXIC" people



"Are You Coming back to Yourself?"

Summer 2024 - Coming "Back Home"

"Back-Home" means "Loving-Life"


"Your Smile in the Passport to Your Future"

Pictures convey Messages of Your Personality

Sad & Lonely pics => Sad & Lonely Personality

"You're Loved" in pics where you're being LOVED

"Your Future" is in the energy of "Your SMILES"

"Your Future" is created by people who LOVE YOU



Scorpio [Water] - Born to Love-Life

Scorpio [Water] - Born to Smile

You're defined by Truth & Sincerity


Sincerity means TRUTH from YOUR HEART

Sincerity means ASKING "What is YOUR TRUTH?"

Sincerity means loving it "FOREVER & EVER" in your life

Some things you don't need & some thing you always need



Life is creating change - but - you need to be HONEST

FYI - the vast majority of people are "FULL OF SHIT"

FYI - the vasy majority of people are "LYING LIARS"


Life will be PAINFUL - if you attempt to DECEIVE others

Life will be PAINFUL - if you're DECEIVED by others

Life will be PAINFUL - if you DECEIVE yourself


The END-GOAL is living life you're born to live

The CHANGES will ensure you're LIVING IN TRUTH



You need SPECIFIC SINCERE types of people in your life

Happiness & Success is when you've got SINCERE people

Success is when you've got reliable sincere "FOREVER" status


You've arrived - when you can say "THIS IS FOREVER"

You've got "it" - when you can say "I'M REALLY HAPPY"


Some of you have already begun to see "it" in March 2024

Some of you will get "it" this Summer / Fall 2024

Every Scorpio - is on a journey to get "it" by Nov' 2024


From now onwards life your life is in "VERY BUSY" zone

Leading to Mars in Cancer [Water] will be VERY STRONG


Mars in Cancer [Water] - 4th September => 4th Nov' 2024

Mars in Cancer [Water] - 6th January => 18th April 2025

Mars in Cancer [Water] - includes a retrograde in Cancer


You're on the journey to move into a "STABILITY ZONE"

"STABILITY ZONE" will eliminate all "INSTABILITY"

"STABILITY ZONE" created by Saturn in Pisces [Water]



#Secrets of Scorpio [Water]


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"Strong Zodiac Year 2024-2025"

Months Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"



You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"