




The Ending of the "Curse of Pluto"

"Everyone needs to Eliminate Toxic"


***Say "NO" to anything inappropriate and "TOXIC"***

"Say-goodbye-to-the-toxic-past" & "move-on-with-your-life"

Whatever is "dead & useless" => "Say-goodbye-to-the-past"

Whatever is "making you feel alive" => life's saying "hello"


"Goodbye to the Toxic Past - Hello to the Happier Future"

Your future says - "it's time to let-go of the toxic past"

Your future says - "it's time to get divorced from the past"



Outer Planets creates New Phase

"New Phase is Beginning/Happening"

Officially "New-Phase" is June 2024

2023-24 is "Reset" Clean Zone

Leading to "Forever in 2025"



5 Outer planets will all be changing StarSigns


Pluto entered Aquarius [Air] 21st Jan 2024

Jupiter entered Gemini [Air] 26th May 2024


Neptune enters Aries [Fire] 30th March 2025

Saturn enters Aries [Fire] 25th May 2025

Uranus enters Gemini [Air] 7th July 2025


"2023" was defined by


Jupiter in Taurus [Earth]

Saturn in Pisces [Water]

Uranus in Taurus [Earth]

Neptune in Pisces [Water]

Pluto in Capricorn [Earth]



"2024" is defined by


Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Saturn in Pisces [Water]

Uranus in Taurus [Earth]

Neptune in Pisces [Water]

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]



"2025" will be defined by


Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Saturn in Aries [Fire]

Uranus in Gemini [Air]

Neptune in Aries [Fire]

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]



MidLifeCrisis is defined by being



The "Curse" of Pluto ended in 2023


Pluto in Capricorn [Earth] since 2008 => 2023

Pluto in Capricorn [Earth] ended 21st January 2024

Pluto entered Aquarius [Air] - 21st January 2024

Aquarius [Air] defines "New-Age Freedom" from past


Everyone's had a Mid-Life-Crisis since 2008-2023

Now "it" is time to rebuild/create a new life in 2024


Pluto-crisis was - destructive - death - misery - painful

Any crisis since 2008-2023 - when did you feel "it" ...

"it" was painful in "2010"-"2012"-"2016"-"2019"


After you escaped "it" => then you began a new life

But you're still missing something that is "New Pluto"


Pluto will create and extra-push & life moves-on '24

Pluto in Aquarius is "freedom, money & good-luck"


Everyone knows what's wrong with their lives

Everyone knows what they need in their lives

Hence, you're ready and waiting for "The Freedom"



"Mid-Life-Crisis between 2008=> 2023"

"Toxic was created for you to Cleanse"


Everyone knows what's wrong with their lives

Pluto in Capricorn created "it"

Neptune in Pisces created "it"

Uranus in Aries created "it" 2011 => 2019


Pluto-Neptune-Uranus created "it"

Pluto-Neptune-Uranus solves "it"


Pluto in Aquarius will change "it"

Neptune in Pisces will inspire you

Uranus in Taurus has been solving "it" since 2018


"Awakening to the Truth"

Awakening until you get "it" RIGHT

Life wants you to get "it" RIGHT


3 Astrological Aspects of Major Life-Change

3 defining moments of Truth & Growth


3 facets that open-your-mind to TRUTHS

Finding the Truth - Knowing the Truth - Living Truth


[1] Saturn conjunct Your Natal Saturn

1st Saturn return at 28-29-30

2nd Saturn return at 55-56-57


[2] Uranus opposes Your Natal Uranus

Anyone born between 1975 => 1981


[3] Neptune squares Your Natal Neptune

Anyone born between 1970 => 1984


[4] Pluto squares Your Natal Pluto

Anyone born between 1972 => 1984


2024 [Earth &Water] Healing & Grounded

Earthly Real-Life Changes - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto

Jupiter in Taurus [Earth Sign] - 17th May 2023 => 25th May 2024

Saturn in Pisces [Water Sign] - 7th March 2023 => May 2025

Uranus in Taurus [Earth Sign] - Until => 7th July 2025

Neptune in Pisces [Water Sign] - Until => 30th March 2025

Pluto in Capricorn [Earth Sign] - Until => 21st January 2024

Pluto enters Aquarius [Air Sign] - 21st January 2024

Pluto in Aquarius [Air Sign] - 21st January 2024 => 2044


"2024" - Truths Creates Stability - Truths create Success

Jupiter in Gemini [Air Sign] - 25th May 2024 => June 2025

Pluto in Aquarius [Air Sign] - 21st January 2024 => 2044


"2025" - Brand New Beginnings for Earth

Jupiter in Gemini [Air Sign] 25th May 2024 => June 2025

Saturn in Aries [Fire Sign] - 25th May 2025 => 2028

Uranus in Gemini [Air Sign] - 7th July 2025 => 2032

Neptune in Aries [Fire Sign] - 30th March 2025 => 2038

Pluto in Aquarius [Air Sign] - 21st January 2024 => 2044



"Planet Earth's Mid-Life-Crisis 2025"

"Sudden Solutions to Global-Warming"


20-Sec Clip - 7th Nov' - No-one is listening to Politicians COP#27

Uranus in Taurus & Neptune in Pisces - means - no-one is listening to anyone


Astrologically - "it" gets fixed because of emergency in 2025

Neptune & Saturn in Aries in 2025 - forces change

Uranus in Gemini in 2025 - makes "it" happen

Pluto in Aquarius in 2025 - makes "it" happen

"it" doesn't happen until crisis/breaking point in "2025"


Global Warming is inevitable and predicted by Astrology

Earth is going to get "hotter" until Sudden-Crisis-of-2025


Suddenly and surprisingly - "it" becomes an emergency

Then and only then - will "damaged" countries change


No-one is going to change - no-one is listening

Neptune & Saturn in Pisces - means - no-one is listening


Pisces is the "dreamy" StarSign that doesn't change "it"

Uranus in Taurus - means - humanity is addicted to "it"


"Your Rebuilding Phase has begun"


"You will always get to the destined destination

Even on the pathway you choose to avoid it"


Many people believed "2020" was "the end"

It wasn't and life-goes-on - live-life - love-life


"MidLifeCrisis is when it all falls-apart "

When a marriage/relationship ENDS - it is painful

In hindsight - it has liberated you - to set your free


Follow the pathway of what makes you FEEL ALIVE

Keep away from anything that makes you FEEL DEAD


It sounds obvious - but many people get stuck in negativity

that they forget to move-forwards - keep-moving forwards



Summary of the Astrological Midlifecrisis aspects

Finding the Truth - Recognizing the Truth - Living Truth


1. Transit of Pluto squares Your Natal Pluto

Pluto in Leo 1936 => 1958

Pluto in Virgo 1958 => 1972

Pluto in Libra 1972 => 1984 - you've had "it" the worse

Pluto in Scorpio 1984 => 1995

Pluto in Sagittarius 1995 => 2008


2. Transit of Neptune squares Your Natal Neptune

Transit of Neptune in Pisces until 30th March 2025

Neptune in Virgo 1928 => 1943

Neptune in Libra 1943 => 1956

Neptune in Scorpio 1956 => 1970

Neptune in Sagittarius 1970 => 1984

Neptune in Capricorn 1984 => 1998

Neptune in Aquarius 1998 => 2011


3. Transit of Uranus opposes Your Natal Uranus

Transit of Uranus in Taurus until 7th July 2025


Uranus in Aries - April 1927 => March 1935

Uranus in Taurus - June 1934 => May 1942

Uranus in Gemini - August 1941 => June 1949

Uranus in Cancer - September 1948 => June 1956

Uranus in Leo - August 1955 => August 1962

Uranus in Virgo - November 1961 => September 1968

Uranus in Libra - October 1968 => September 1975

Uranus in Scorpio - September 1975 => November 1981

Uranus in Sagittarius - November 1981 => November 1988

Uranus in Capricorn - February 1988 => January 1996

Uranus in Aquarius - January 1996 => March 2003

Uranus in Pisces - March 2003 => March 2011

Uranus in Aries - March 2011 => May 2018








Months Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"



You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"