


Sun in Leo [Fire]

Moved to => "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024


Sun in Virgo [Earth]

Moving to => "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"

Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024



Next Few Month's Events

Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"




You'll always eventually get to your Destination

Even - on the pathway you chose to avoid "it"

Supersonic Sudden Movements Forwards

Every StarSign Eventually Receives "it"



"The No Planet Effect"

"Planets Moving into..."


No planets in Leo [Fire] - changed on 2nd July

No planets in Virgo [Earth] - changed on 25th July

No planets in Libra [Air] - changes on 29th August

No planets in Scorpio [Water] - changes on 23rd September

No planets in Sagittarius [Fire] - changes on 17th October


It's your choice to adapt and change or "WAIT"

Most people will be forced/enticed to adapt

BUT - there are some things you need to "WAIT"

MAJOR decisions should be made when you see it all



Gemini [Air] Strengthens ...

Everyday in Summer 2024


Mars & Jupiter [Air] will continue to get even stronger

Gemini [Air] will be maximum strength in July & August

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 25th May 2024 => 9th June 2025

Mars in Gemini [Air] - 20th July => 4th September 2024

Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 14th August 2024


Jupiter in Gemini [Air] will ensure you get "it" eventually

Jupiter in Gemini [Air] is "BIGGER THAN BIG"


The BIGGEST planet means something "BIG - ENERGY"

When you've got "it" - you will want "it" FOREVER

Some of you - if let-go of "it" - means - that wasn't "it"

If you let-go of "it" - means - you'll want to get "it" back



Cancer [Water] Delivered


Cancer [Water] - delivered goodness for "some" of you

Cancer [Water] - also delivered all the "toxic" problems

The next few months - "solves" all the problems


From 4th September - Mars helps you get "it" permanent

Mars in Cancer [Water] - will be VERY BUSY & Easy-Going

Mars in Cancer [Water] - 4th September => 4th November 2024

Mars in Cancer [Water] - 4th September => 4th Nov' 2024

Mars in Cancer [Water] - 6th January => 18th April 2025

Mars in Cancer [Water] - includes a retrograde in Cancer



Leo [Fire] Began Early

Early on 2nd July 2024


Planets in Leo [Fire] will oppose Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 25th July 2024

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] 15th August => 9th September 2024


Once you've got the Leo [Fire] awakene "it" gets stronger

From 4th November - Mars helps you get "it" permanent


I've added .... Mars in Leo [Fire] will be VERY BUSY

Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 17th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 6th January 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - direct - 18th April => 17th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - includes a LONG retrograde in Leo



Virgo [Earth] Begins Early

Early on 25th July 2024


Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 25th July => 15th August 2024

Venus in Virgo [Earth] - 5th => 29th August 2024

Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd September 2024

Mercury in Virgo [Earth] - 9th => 26th September 2024


Virgo [Earth] defines truthful clarity and stability

Virgo [Earth] reveals how strong and permanent "it" is

Virgo [Earth] things that needs strengthening for stability



Libra [Air] Begins Early

Early on 29th Aug' 2024


Venus enters HOME Libra [Air] on 29th August 2024

Libra [Air] begins EARLY this year on 29th August 2024


Venus in Libra [Air] - 29th August => 23rd September 2024

Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Mercury in Libra [Air] - 26th September => 12th Oct' 2024


Venus in Libra [Air] trines Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 15th Sept'

Mercury in Libra [Air] trines Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 8th Oct'

Sun in Libra [Air] trines Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 14th Oct'


Libra [Air] is always "God's" back-up plan and alternatives

The Libra [Air] energy always Shocks & Surprises

Libra [Air] is starsign of seeing & trying "NEW" choices

Planets in Libra [Air] offers "NEW" possibilities



Scorpio [Water] Begins ....

On 23rd September 2024


No planets in Scorpio [Water] is affecting all Scorpio's

Venus enters Scorpio [Water] - on 23rd September 2024

Venus in Scorpio [Water] - 23rd Sept' => 17th October 2024

Mercury in Scorpio [Water] - 13th Oct' => 2nd November 2024

Sun in Scorpio [Water] - 22nd Oct' => 17th November 2024



Sagittarius [Fire] Begins

Early on 17th October 2024


Planets in Sagittarius [Fire] will oppose Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Venus in Sagittarius [Fire] - 17th Oct' => 11th November 2024

Mercury in Sagittarius [Fire] - 2nd Nov' 2024 => 8th January 2025

Sun in Sagittarius [Fire] - 22nd Nov' => 21st December 2024

Includes a Mercury retrogade in Sagittarius [Fire]


Planets in Sagittarius [Fire] oppose Jupiter in Gemini [Air]

Planets in Sagittarius [Fire] trine Mars in Leo [Fire]


Jupiter in Gemini [Air] - 24th May 2024 => 9th June 2025

Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 17th June 2025



Capricorn [Earth] &

Pluto in Aquarius [Air]


Venus in Capricorn [Earth] - 11th Nov' => 7th December 2024

Venus in Aquarius [Air] - 7th Dec' 2024 => 3rd January 2024


Venus conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - exact 7th December

Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - exact 4th Novemer




"Totality of Excitement"

Everyone will Receive "it"


Some people will have received "it" in June/July ...

Some "slow" people - get "it" in July/August 2024 ....

Even "slower" people - will get "it" in September 2024


"slow" people are merely stuck in the past

"slow" people are simply too stubborn to change

"slow" people are living in deception

"slow" people are reluctant to wake-up and listen


All the planets are defining POSITIVE CHANGES

All the planets are defining STOP LIVING in the past


Everyone - every StarSign will receive POSITIVE energy

Everyone will sooner or later experience NEW & POSITIVE


The MOST important change is beginning a NEW PHASE

NEW PHASE created by Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

NEW PHASE created by Jupiter in Gemini [Air]


Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - says - NEW-NEW-NEW

Pluto in Aquarius [Air] - defines - NEW & EXCITING

2024 => 2044 - will create MAJOR NEW-AGE Beginnings


The Curse of Pluto in Capricorn [Earth] has ENDED

2008 => 2023 - created - "Karmic & Destined Events"


There's a Pluto retrograde on cusp at 0°00' Aquarius

There's a Pluto retrograde on cusp at 29°40' Capricorn

The Pluto retrograde 29°40' Capricorn - Sept/Oct'24 ...

Hence, the cusp will finally force "ENDINGS TO END"


Audio Pluto in Aquarius - "Divorces the Toxic-Past"


Eventually you'll get the message and energy of Pluto

The New Zodiac Year is defined by "Pluto in Aquarius"


Pluto was given the name - as "Pluto God of Destruction"

Pluto destroys lies/liars - Pluto destroys meaningless nonsense


Pluto creates intense excitement for genuine & authentic

Pluto ensures you ignore garbage and "love the best"

Pluto in mature sign of Aquarius will create "quality of life"




"The Journey to Destiny's Destination"

By End-July - arrived - at the Destination

Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto in Aquarius [Air]


Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Mercury in Leo [Fire] - 2nd July => 24th July 2024

Venus in Leo [Fire] - 11th July => 5th August 2024

Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 2024 => 17th June 2025


3rd July: Mercury 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

12th July: Venus 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]

23rd July: Sun 1° Leo [Fire] opposes Pluto 1° Aquarius [Air]


End of July - the NEW phase is permanent and forever

End of July - Life improves and strengthens the NEW phase

"Forever" decisions will be made because of CONFIDENCE

Confidence and permanent because "it" is the NEW phase


January => July 2024 - will need to discard "trash/garbage"

Being forced to let-go of anything that's "useless-toxic-trash"


Jupiter in Gemini [Air] & Pluto in Aquarius [Air]

Realization of what's / who is truly IMPORTANT to you

From June 2024 => June 2025 - GROWTH of "IMPORTANT"


GROWTH in whatever facet of your life is important to you






Summer '24 - Exciting Changes

"Forever-New-Phase" of Life



By End of September 2024


You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"







Month's Astrological Events

Sun in Leo [Fire] - 22nd July => 22nd August 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Leo - This Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Virgo [Earth] - 22nd August => 22nd Sept' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Virgo - Next Month's Astrological Events"


Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024

Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - Next Next Month's Astrological Events"


You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"