



All Features are via "WhatsApp"

Please download WhatsApp to your Phone from www.whatsapp.com



$10 - 1 Month Membership

"Free Trial" - Thru' 31st July

"Click on Above $10 Link"


$10 Monthly Membership includes .....

Daily & Weekly Audio's sent out via WhatsApp

Video clips & Updates sent out via WhatsApp

***$10 includes 5 Mins WhatsApp-call once-a-month***


$20 Astrology Readings

15 mins via WhatsApp

"Click on Above $20 Link"


$20 - 15mins Astrology reading reveals ...

Your Astrological Chart with your Lucky Moon

Your Lucky Zone - Your Next Dates-with-Destiny

Your Unlucky Zone - When to avoid "toxic problems"

***$20 includes 1 month WhatsApp Membership***


$30 Psychic & Astrology

Includes Psychic Healing

"Click on Above $30 Link"


$30 - Astrology & Psychic reading includes .....

Send in Your Pics - for me to show Krisztina

Psychic Krisztina works with PICS she sees you

Psychic Healing via Krisztina

Psychic Messages via me from Krisztina

15mins Astrology/Psychic reading with me

***$30 includes 1 month WhatsApp Membership***



**Accepting PayPal**



"Accepting Payments on PayPal Via John"

"Click on PayPal Link"





"Personal because I care about You"

"I care about all Good People"

I'm not in "it" for the "$$$" !


There are so many useless Sheister Psychics, Wicked Charlatans, Fake Astrologers, alleged Life-Coaches, man-made religious hypocrites etc., - that are all complete failures - and - only in "it" to make money for themselves.


I'm not in "it" for the "$$$". I'm in "it" because I love helping good people. Psychic Krisztina has impressed on me "higher authentic values".


New-Age of Aquarius is here - idealistic times - to blow-away all the fake toxic nonsense & deliver New-Age TRUTHS. "Practicing in real life what we teach you".



"Psychic Krisztina is Back-with-Me"

"Tune-in & Listen to Her Laughter"






All Features are via "WhatsApp"

Please download WhatsApp to your Phone from www.whatsapp.com




**Yearly Membership - $120**

Pay Via Bank/Western Union

Please Make Your $120 Payment

Message Me After You've Paid


My Bank account @ BGZ BNP PARIBAS POLSKA S.A.,

My Full Name & Postal Address for Western Union


Use www.westernunion.com or www.wise.com

For international bank payments or direct-bank-to-bank

I recommend www.wise.com for most countries


IBAN is the SWIFT code - the international bank transfer code

IBAN begins PL39 is the code for my bank account in Poland


www.westernunion.com offices at most shopping malls/stores in USA

Make your payment - then send me the RECEIPT MTCN ##number





You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"