#1234 Astrology
#1 - Are you Loving & Being Loved ? #2 - Are you Loving Life Today ? #3 - Are your Finances Good ? #4 - Are you Excited by the Future ?
If any answer is "NO" then very soon.. Jupiter in Gemini will create "Changes" Answer will be "YES" very soon .... When you realize You need to "Change"
Every Gemini should be totally in-Love-with-Life Everything that's RIGHT because you're working with others
The ONLY problem is LIES-LIARS-TOXIC-"EVIL" people Anything "WRONG" => solve by "working-with" other people
Jupiter in Gemini means living "it" in real life today Jupiter in Gemini began a whole new phase since May 2024
. "Age of Enlightenment" "Battle of Dark Souls v Light Souls"
Qualities of Dark-Souls 1. Jealousy - always looking at "others" 2. Never happy with "their" lives 3. Nothing is good in "their" lives 4. Complaining about "everyone" 5. Blaming "others" for their bad luck 6. Dark-souls can't love anyone 7. Dark-souls hate Light-souls 8. Dark-souls disrupt the lives of Light-souls 9. Dark-souls want everyone to become "Dark" Dark-souls "try to convert" everyone to be "Dark" 10. Dark-souls own their miserable "darkness" Dark-souls steal/live-off other-people's happiness
Qualities of Light-Souls 1. Shine Bright - don't care about "darkness" 2. Always Constantly Happy with "their" lives Happy-go-Lucky - Always smiling - always loving 3. Everything is good in "their" lives 4. Never Complain about "anyone" 5. In-control of their own good luck 6. Light-souls love & understand everyone 7. Light-souls feel-sympathy for Dark-souls Light-souls don't want to connect with Dark-souls 8. Light-souls are focused on positive-energy Light-souls hate being distracted by Dark-souls 9. Light-souls understand "karma" of Souls Light-souls don't go around "converting" Dark Light-souls know the rules of "karma" of Life 10. Light-souls own their own "Success & Happiness"
You can become "Light" even if you've been "Dark" Light is the excitement of Life - Darkness is misery "Become Forever Light - by - Loving the Gift of Life"
All Invisible forces are created by "Mind-Energy" "Your Mind" will protect you from "toxic-evil-eyes" "Your Mind" must refuse to allow "-ve energy"
Light creates "something from nothing" Darkness wants to destroy "everything"
1. Light-Souls always looking to create +ve energy Light-Souls never give-up on doing something +ve Light-Souls wants to do something meaningful
2. Dark-Souls searching to steal/take other's light Dark-Souls are lazy, selfish, argumentative & -ve Dark-Souls desire to destroy other-people's lives
Audio "Jealousy towards AirSigns" Gemini-Energy-of-New-Relationships #1234 astrology Star-Sign Gemini Reasons for Your Jinxed Bad-Luck Why people are Jealous of Gemini
Home-Money-Appearance-Age-Finances are ... The usual reasons why people are jealous of you
Gemini have a persona that people are jealous of Deep-down people are jealous of your personality
3 Important Factors of Gemini AirSign ..... 1. You need to be - and - talk honestly 2. You need to find people on-your-wavelength 3. You can't argue with "idiots" - detach from them
Gemini have a persona that people are jealous of Your best & unique Gemini-AirSign qualities
Gemini-AirSign - Your Best Qualities Communication creates All Your Bonds Communication creates Your Flow of Energy Getting-Connected creates New Beginnings Staying-Connected creates Life-Energy Loving-Your-Connections sustains your life
You're gutsy to begin New Things You'll never give-up on life You'll never give-up on love You'll never give-up on "today"
Gemini have got the power to make "today" good Depressing dark-souls want "today" to be bad Gemini needs to fight everyday to make "today" good
Gemini are full of happiness which annoys others Gemini constantly exude Love-of-Life & Happiness
You must always keep-bouncing-back to life Especially after people have destroyed you
"Jealous People" will always try to destroy you You mission is to learn to IGNORE "Jealousy"
You can't fight darkness with darkness You can obliterate darkness with bright light Keep-smiling - keep-loving-life - be bright always
Gemini-AirSign - You need to detach from "idiots" Gemini makes quick-judgements of "good & bad" Successful Geminis are "glued" to good-energy Be stubborn - be argumentative - be opinionated
Never get persuaded by someone else's opinion Stay-True to your own opinions & good decisions
End relationships whoever is "bad" towards you You've got a threshold of tolerance to "bad" As soon as someone's crossed the line - it's "toxic" "Bad/toxic" must be divorced from immediately "Bad/toxic" is even in your own mind/thoughts You must not allow yourself to think about "Bad"
Gemini-AirSign - Human Instincts towards You Gemini-AirSign - Your instinct towards others
Everyone you've known either hates or loves you Everyone that's had "bond" with you has power over you "Online" people from the past can see what you're doing Don't need to "hide" but be aware of "jealousy" You can't "hide" - because - it is wrong for you to "hide" Your persona needs to be "on-show" to everyone But - precious things - always keep "it" secretive Never share online the most important things to you
Your "ex's" are going to be jealous of whatever you do Toxic people - will always be jealous of whatever you do You've got to learn to by-pass their energies by being bright Fight the negative darkness by being brighter than usual Bright & Light is an "enlightened-energy" from within you
All the people you deemed "toxic" - intrinsically hate you Selfish-idiots from your past - will always be jealous of you "Toxic" nasty arrogant people will never truly forgive you "Their-Thoughts" of jealousy & resentment are "Blocks" "Their-Thoughts" want you back - and - you'll never go back!
Define who it is - when you're "unlucky/blocked/jinxed" Recognize where & who the "Blocks" are coming from Then define - "they" are in the past - "let go of the past" Jealous energies are from people who want you back in the past Your bright future is defined by setting-yourself free from the past "The Toxic Past" must never be allowed back into your life
Gemini-AirSign - Have You Received "The BIG" Jupiter in Gemini defines "Bigger Than BIG" Gemini has "it" manifested in your life yet? Forget the "toxic" past - don't go back !
Jupiter in Gemini means living "it" in real life today Jupiter in Gemini began a whole new phase since May 2024
"You're Jinxed" - if you've not got "it" & living "it" in real life Unblock the blockages by setting yourself free from the past
Your problem is because "jealous" people are wishing you bad Move-away from the darkness - become BRIGHT & HAPPY
Gemini-AirSign - Turn Your Light "On" everyday Problem is you forget to "turn-your-light-on" !
To achieve a breakthrough - you need to be "bright" "Bright" creates energy to breakthrough the darkness The darker it is - the more it annoys you The darker your life is - the more rebellious you become Now is the time to "turn-your-bright-light-on" ! Even after you've had a miracle - the light must remain ON ! Even years later - you need to remind yourself of your miracles ! "Good-Memories" of miracles are "bright-lights" of Gratitude Gratitude is the reason for your continual flow of good-energy
Gemini-AirSign - You Need to Keep One rule The rule for Successful "Gemini" is "Honesty"
You're always going to offend someone ... But revealing your opinions defines "you"
Your truthful opinions will attract the right people Your deception - your lies - will attract toxic people
e.g. If you declare you think the "LGBT" are crazy weirdos Then the "LGBT" will hate you and keep away from you
[It will hurt you if you live in a fake-toxic society of "p.c."etc... if you can't reveal your true opinions about "weird-deviants"]
Reveal your belief in "God & Jesus" then others are attracted to you Reveal your status "being free & single" - others can love you
Reveal your married status - others will keep away from you Reveal your atheist beliefs - believers will keep away from you
Knowing the truth is the only way people can make decisions Revealing the honest truth is the only way forward for you
"Reveal Your Truth" is the power of real success and happiness "Reveal Your Truth" ensures you have & live in your own power "Your Truths" are the protective shield of your own aura "Your Truths" will be very powerful with Jupiter in Taurus "Your Truths" are vital necessity with Saturn in Pisces
"Think of Your Truths" - even if you can't say it out aloud "Think of Your Opinions" - even if you can't say it out aloud Observe the world - and "Think of what's True or Lies"
Energy is created when you THINK of LOVE or HATE Energy is created when your MIND IS THINKING
The people who are in-tune with you will feel your energy The people who hate you will always attempt to destroy you
Whenever you feel blocked - use the following mantras..... "Let me live my life - I don't want to be connected to the past" "Let me live my future - I don't want to be stuck in the past"
Gemini-AirSign - Daily Exercise of Your Energy Meditation for Gemini is "Thinking of +ve & -ve" Gemini-Opinions get activated via "-ve" forces All your best decisions set you free from -ve
Whenever you feel blocked - reflect on your "past" Think of all the "horrible-toxic-evil" people you've known Think of how lucky you are to be detached/divorced from them Thoughts of "toxic-people" - makes - you feel alive today
Other's Thought-energies are trying to pull you backwards Your Thought-energies must think "disgust" towards the past Your Thought-energies must think "positive" today
The only reason why you get stuck by "blocks" You want to elevate yourself to brighter future
Let the blocks vanish by your bright desires for happier future Focus your energies on a happier future - then blocks vanish
"Anger" reveals you're doing "it" wrong "Love" reveals you're doing "it" right
You'll always eventually get to Your destination Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"