




Video Yahrzeit 16th March "2020" Video Yahrzeit March "2022"


Video Yahrzeit March "2023" Video Yahrzeit March "2024"






"Hidden Secrets of The Talmud"

"Living-Torah" is "Living-it" in Real-Life


Quoting from

[1] Noam Elimelech ספר נועם אלימלך

[2] Zera Kodesh ספר זרע קודש Reb Naftoli Horowitz

[3] End-Times-Talmud- "Kesuvos 111&112"

[4] Tana Dvei Eliyahu ספר תנא דבי אליהו [wikipedia]

[5] Sefer GilGulim from Reb Chaim Vital & "Etz-Chayim"


Global Warming - was Predicted 2000 years ago - Tana-Dvei-Eliyahu

Don't Worry - There's a Destined Plan - "Global Warming" was Predicted !

A SIGN of "LIVING-IN-AN-OVEN" is "TUMA" - and - it's a GOOD SIGN !


Video Introduction to STARS in the Book of Noam Elimelech

Video Clip - ***Stars in the Book for Everyone***

"Everyone can receive energy from Stars-above"


קבלת תורה שבועות

The Spiritual Year Began

Shavuos 12th/13th June '24


Extra Clip #1 - Surrounding Yourself with Good Energy [1min]

Going inside a "synagogue" - surrounded by "Energy"

The Invisible Energy of "Chozeh's Synagogue" in Lancut


Extra Clip #2 - Surrounding Yourself with Good Energy [2mins]

Prayers On the Wall in "Chozeh's Synagogue" in Lancut

Traditional Prayers - to - Love-Life with Full Heart

Because - It's a curse to live-life "half-hearted" !



"Weekly Spiritual Secrets"

Sefer Noam Elimelech

25th => 31st July 2024

Audio for - Spiritual Secrets Noam Elimelech - Summary [2 Mins]

"Success & Happiness" is saying the "RIGHT WORDS"

"Failure & Sadness" is saying the "WRONG WORDS"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Sinai Synagogue USA [3 Mins]

"Success is Very Simple" - "Love is Very Simple"

"Sinai Synagogue USA - Parsha Pinchas"





"New Online Content"

"They all Knew the Truth"


All the Jewish Visionaries believed in "Enlightened-End-Times"

All the Jewish Prophets knew "Messiah" would eventually come


Moses in the Bible - Deuteronomy Chapter 29/30

King David in Psalms 72 , 78 , 117

Talmudic Rabbis - Rabbi Onan - Tana Dvei Eliyahu

17th/18th Century Galician Rebbes/Rabbis

Baal Shem Tov - Noam Elimelech - Baal HaTanya

Rophitzer Rebbe - Rabbi Horowitz - Chozeh of Lublin

And in recent years all the great Chassidic Rebbes ...

Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe - M.M Schneersohn

Komarno-Belz-Satmar-Ger-Biala-Viznitz Rebbes

Rabbi Kaduri - Baba Sali - Abu-Chatzeira


Jewish Tradition is defined by BELIEVING in the Future

BELIEVING in Messianic times of Peace & Enlightenment

Destiny's vision of knowing - eventually we'll get "it" right !



"End Times משיח Spiritual Secrets "

"Messianic Age of Enlightenment"


#1 Your Beliefs Define Your Future


#2 "Love" is Pure-Life-Energy


#3 Key to the Future is Gratitude


#4 The Date is soon - "In-the-Zone"


#5 Certainty is Destiny's Destination

God's Truth is "Seeing" it all clearly

Messiah Ben David is Coming Soon

Age of Enlightenment is Coming Soon


#6 Truth is in Messiah "Jesus Christ"


# Biblical Texts of 3000 years old



"Archived Audios"

Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [3 Mins]

"Success is creating Something from Nothing"

"Your INNER feelings creates Your Future "

Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Sinai Synagogue USA [5 Mins]

External versus internal - "Success is Internal"

"Sinai Synagogue USA - Parsha Balak"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [10 Mins]

"What Makes an Impression on You" - "July 2024"

"What's Important to You will be Revealed"

Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Sinai Synagogue USA [12 Mins]

"Why-Why-Why-Why-Why-Why ????"

"Sinai Synagogue USA - Parsha Chukas"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [6 Mins]

"New Moon - 6th July" - "Listen to GOD"

"Listen to Your Feelings - Parsha for 6th July"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Sinai Synagogue USA [7Mins]

"Loving People Accept Everything/Everyone"

"Sinai Synagogue USA - Parsha Korach"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [8 Mins]

#1 - "Short-&-Sweet - Parsha Shlach - 29th June"

"Thoughts & Attitude" creates "Success or Failure"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Sinai Synagogue USA [11Mins]

#2 - "Sinai Synagogue USA - Parsha Shlach - 29th June"

#2 - "Talkers are Winners" - "Complainers are Losers"



Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [4 Mins]

#1 - "Short-&-Sweet - Parsha - 1st June"

"Healing" is letting-go of the "Toxic Past"

"Living for the Future" is letting-go of the Past


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [4 Mins]

#2 - "ENDING" the Curse of the Past

Knowing "EXACTLY WHEN" things will change

"WHEN" is a knowing Your life has a FUTURE

Audio for Sinai Synagogue California USA


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [8 Mins]

#3 - "Yeshiva" Version

"Stupid idiots" believe that their life is "Doomed"

"Wise people" believe-in "Surprises & Changes"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [6 Mins]

#1 - "Short-&-Sweet - Parsha Behar"

All your life's memories are just "BIG MOMENTS"

Life's Happiness is all about "QUALITY OF LIFE"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [6 Mins]

#2 - Defines "WHEN" it is going to Happen

"WHEN" is a belief of trusting in GOD

"WHEN" is a knowing your life has a FUTURE

Audio for Sinai Synagogue California USA


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [8 Mins]

"Success" is when others "Listen & Understand You"

"Failure" is when "NO-ONE" is Listening to You

Full Moon on 23rd May defines "LISTENING"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [14 Mins]

Hindsight remembers the "BEST MOMENTS"

Life is about living for the "BEST MOMENTS"

The Future's "BEST MOMENTS" are created by "YOU"

Full Moon on 23rd May defines "all Good Relationships"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [15 Mins]

#1 - "Soulmates" & God's Destined "Back-Up-Plans"

"Destined & Bad" can be "Changed/Eliminated"

Sun in Gemini is StarSign of "Connections-to-Others"

Full Moon on 23rd May defines "all Good Relationships"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [12 Mins]

#2 - "Mistakes" ensure you desire to "Get-it-Right"

Your Happiness is about "Getting-it-Right-for-You"

Audio for Sinai Synagogue California USA


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [6 Mins]

"Hindsight" reveals all of your "Success's & Failures"

"Hindsight" reveals all your "DESTINED TRUTHS"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [7 Mins]

Sign of "Destiny's Success" => it goes "EASY"

Sign of "Destiny's Blocks" => it goes "WRONG"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [12 Mins]

"Emotional Happiness" is the "BEST SIGN"

"Emotional Pain" is the "WORST THING"

Audio for Sinai Synagogue California USA


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [14 Mins]

"HAPPINESS" is getting it "RIGHT"

"SADNESS" is knowing it is "WRONG"

"HUMAN DNA" always makes "MISTAKES"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [9 Mins]

"LOVE" is the only "HEALTHY" Energy

"HATE" is an "UNHEALTHY" Malfunction


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [7 Mins]

"Life" is all about being "Busy with Excitement"

"Depressed & Dead-Bored" is a "Very-Good-Sign"

"Dead-Bored" is the catalyst for "New-Beginning"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [12 Mins]

Parsha Vayikra - w/c - Saturday 23rd March 2024




Audio for - Spiritual Secrets - Summary [12 Mins]

Parsha Pekudey - Saturday 16th March 2024

"Losers think -ve" & "Winners think +ve"

"Determined +ve Thoughts" ensure you achieve "it"


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets Summary [12 Mins]



People who pray are "telling" GOD what they want

Enlightened people "listen" to what GOD is wanting


Audio for - Spiritual Secrets Summary [9 Mins]

***Earthly-Man-Made GODS are USELESS


Your MIND'S UPGRADE - New Zodiac Year


Audio for - Weekly Summary [14 Mins]


"REAL-AUTHENTIC" - Sun-Mercury-Saturn in Pisces


Audio for - Weekly Summary [12 Mins]




Audio for - Introduction to Spiritual Secrets of Parsha

#1 - Parsha Teruma-Exodus [6mins] w/c 17th Feb' 24

**Your Future is in Your Mind & Thoughts**

Audio for - Introduction to Spiritual Secrets of Parsha

#2 - Parsha Teruma-Exodus [12mins] w/c 17th Feb' 24

**You only THINK about what's important to You**

**Spiritual Secrets from the Noam Elimelech**




"Hidden Secrets in The Talmud"

"End-Times Spiritual Secrets"




Truth is Your Destined Destination

"Everyone Instinctively Knows the Truth"

"You are Searching for Your own Truth"

Your Truths are your Destined "Forever's"



You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"