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#1234 Moon Astrology Audio This Week's #1234
Success in Life is combination of 4 Elements #1234 Success is knowing what is honestly GOOD for you
[Water] [Fire] [Air] [Earth] [Feelings] [Heart] [Thoughts] [Manifest Your Future]
#2 Heart is Heat [Fire] Love-Passion-Desires
Your Heart needs energy of Love Your Heart needs something to Love Your Heart needs someone to Love Your Heart needs others to Love you
Your Heart Needs Love Heart Needs to Feel Loved
Your Heart creates energy via "Love" Your Heart creates & receives "Love" Your Heart produces & emits "Love" Your Heart is the engine to empower you Your "Heart-Love" is power to achieve Your "Heart-Love" is key to success Strong "Hearts of Love" are "Love-Life"
"Failure/Sadness" is a damaged "Heart" "Depression" is a blocked "Heart-Love" "Depression" hurts the "Heart" "Depression" created by "Broken-Heart"
Your Heart Needs Love Heart Needs Excitement
Your Heart is illogical Your Heart needs to be "turned-on" Your Heart needs any kind of "Love"
Any form of "Love" feeds Your Heart Your Heart doesn't think logically Your Heart needs "Energy of Love"
"Toxic Love" "Sexual Love" "Love of Food/Drink" "Consumers Love" "Transactional Love" "Fake Love" "Substitute Love" "Delusional Love" "Addictions of Love"
"True Genuine Love" "Destined Genuine Love" "Love created from Miracles" "Love you know is Forever" "Love from God & Love of God"
"Love" is anything that energizes you "Love" is anyone who energizes you "Love" comes from multiple sources "Love" is what you can't live without "Love" is who you can't live without
"Love Changes" Each phase of your life Maturity is a Search for "Genuine Love" "Genuine Love" is a "Forever Love"
Your Heart is Illogical Love Creates Your Future
"Love" in "Your Heart" is illogical "Love" empowers everyone to achieve "You" empower people who "Love You" "People" who "Love You" empower you You must never block "Your own Heart" You can't stop other's "Love for You" You mustn't closer "Your Heart of Love" Life is defined by "Love for Other People" Your Future is enlightened by "Love"
Heart-Broken people need "True-Love" Heart-Breaks reveal it wasn't "True-Love" Heart-Broken can't see their future Loving-Hearts can feel a bright-future
#2 Heart - needs - "Love-Energy" Depression when "No-one Loves You" Aliveness when "You're being Loved"
Astrology defines times for Heart [Fire] It's easier to find "Love" with [Fire]
Heart [Fire] Natural [Fire Signs] Aries [Fire] Leo [Fire] Sagittarius [Fire]
Venus in Sagittarius [Fire] - 17th Oct' => 11th Nov' 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius [Fire] - 2nd Nov' 2024 => 8th Jan' 2025 Sun in Sagittarius [Fire] - 22nd Nov' => 21st Dec' 2024 Mars in Leo [Fire] - 4th Nov' 24 => 6th Jan 2025 Mars in Leo [Fire] - 18th April => 17th June 2025 Powerful [Fire] energies are coming in "2025" Neptune enters Aries [Fire] 30th March 2025 Saturn enters Aries [Fire] 25th May 2025
Months Astrological Events Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024 Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - This Month's Astrological Events"
Sun in Scorpio [Water] - 22nd October => 21st Nov' 2024 Full Explanations @ "Sun in Scorpio - Next Month's Astrological Events"
You'll always eventually get to Your destination Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"