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#1234 Moon Astrology Audio This Week's #1234
Success in Life is combination of 4 Elements #1234 Success is knowing what is honestly GOOD for you
[Water] [Fire] [Air] [Earth] [Feelings] [Heart] [Thoughts] [Manifest Your Future]
#3 Aims Goals Ambitions Your Words & Thoughts
#1 Your Feelings are Today's Energy Feelings of what you want/don't want #2 Your Heart-Energy is Motivation Heart is Turned-On & Ready for Life #3 Your Thoughts Drive/Steer Your Life Your Thoughts create Your Determination Determination determines your Success
Your Heart, Mind & Feelings creates "it" You need energy of #1#2#3 to do "it" "it" is what "you know you need" "it" is what "you're missing" in your life "it" is what "2024-25" wants you to want
"Thoughts" define "When it Happens" "+ve Thoughts" creates "+ve Future" "-ve Thoughts" blocks "Your Future"
Your Current Status How Did You Arrive Here?
Did you get "it" because of Other's Did you get "it" inspite of Other's Did you get "it" because you Listened
Everyone's influenced by Other people Teenager's are influenced by Parents All your relationships influence you
Success & Failure are Logical influences "Success" - You've listened to Other's "Success" - You've NOT listened to Other's "Success" - listening to Successful People "Success" - listening to Positive Words "Success" - listening to Your Destiny Or "Failure"- You've listened to Other's "Failure"- You've not listened to Other's "Failure" - listening to Stupid Idiots "Failure" - listening to Negative Words "Failure" - listening to Other's Lies
Other People's Influence Their Words & Thoughts
Do you Listen to "Others" ? Do you refuse to Listen to "Others" ? Do you think for yourself ? Do you get confused by "Others" ? Do you need help from "Others" ?
Success combines "Listening & Thinking" You need to work "it" out for Yourself And You also need "others" opinions Success is finally getting "it" right
Your Destination Created By Your Determination
Determination is a "Thought" energy Your "Thoughts" makes You Determined Your "Thoughts" are your greatest strength Your "Future" is created by a Strong-Mind Your "Strong Thoughts" gives you Power Wishy-Washy thoughts makes you weak
Success is a Head-Strong Determination Success begins by Being Determined Success is the Destination you imagine Success Your mind needs to imagine "it"
2024-2025 will give energy for Success Success Energy is available for everyone Think of and Imagine what you want Discard anything that you don't want Ignore anything irrelevant to Success Don't get distracted by any nonsense
Activate Your Mind Think of All Your Success's
Everyone of you has been successful Everyone of you has achieved success Activate your Brain's Success dept., By THINKING of your life's success Meditate on everything you've done
"Positive thoughts creates Success" "Success creates more Success" "Success creates more positive thoughts"
Depressed people forget their success Depressed losers focus on being losers
Successful people remember Success Successful people focus on their Success Successful people live in aura of Success Success is created in your mind & thoughts
Planets in [AirSigns] defines [Thoughts] "Thoughts are Constantly Changeable" Your Thoughts influenced by Others Thoughts are influenced by The Planets
[Air StarSigns] defines [Thoughts] Gemini [Air] Libra [Air] Aquarius [Air] Planets will make "it" Changeable"
Major Choices/Changes happening in "2024-25" Pluto entered Aquarius [Air] 21st Jan' 2024 Pluto re-enters Aquarius [Air] 19th Nov' 2024 Pluto in Aquarius [Air] until year 2044 Jupiter in Gemini [Air] May 2024 => June 2025 Uranus enters Gemini [Air] 7th July 2025
Planets in Libra [Air] create MORE sudden changes Venus in Libra [Air] - 29th Aug' => 24th Sept' 2024 Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd Sept' => 22nd Oct' 2024 Mercury in Libra [Air] - 26th Sept' => 12th Oct' 2024
Months Astrological Events Sun in Libra [Air] - 22nd September => 22nd Oct' 2024 Full Explanations @ "Sun in Libra - This Month's Astrological Events"
Sun in Scorpio [Water] - 22nd October => 21st Nov' 2024 Full Explanations @ "Sun in Scorpio - Next Month's Astrological Events"
You'll always eventually get to Your destination Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"